Chapter fourty-five: All love has an expiration date

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"If we had five more minutes
Would I, could I, make you happy?"
-The End of the World, Billie Eilish


The rain fell upon his hair, sliding off onto the sidewalk as he walked. His hands stuffed in his pocket, feet sliding against the soaked concrete without a care in the world. His expensive shoes were never wore in weather like this, but at this point he couldn't bring himself to care too much about it like he used to.

You see, being a Malfoy had much to do with his wealth and the reputation his family had behind their name. No one questioned where they got their money from, what they spent it on, or whoever they paid off to get what they wanted. They were a normal family that was somehow gifted with the name of being apart of the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

So to most of the Wizardry world, Abraxas Malfoy was the lucky son of his mother and father whom he didn't speak much about. He was the perfect boy, with the perfect grades, and the perfect reputation at school and outside of his education. He had everything he could ever wish for, the money, the fame.

If his biggest secret was to be exposed to the ministry, all of that could be taken right from beneath his polished shoes.

"Do you remember the plan?" Icarus asked sliding his hand through the sleeve of his coat jacket, it didn't rain much during the last week of spring, and it was especially odd since summer was just around the summer. The weather had gotten damp, and the ground had become the beholder of gallons of water.

"Of course I remember the plan," Abraxas replied, his wand was held tightly in his right hand, clenching it for dear life. If it weren't for the rain you would be able to tell that he was sweaty uncontrollably, the nerves becoming close enough to impossible to keep down in the deepest pit of his stomach.

"I understand that she means a lot to you, my offer still stands," he said lowly, stopping in his tracks and grabbing his friend's arm. His eyes held sincerity, and if it were anyone else perhaps it would've been mistaken for a manipulative tactic. This was Lestrange though, someone who actually did care for Valencia, he wasn't one to lie about such a thing in a moment like this.

"She does mean a lot to me, therefore your offer is irrelevant. I can handle this, I'm the one she trust most," he snapped turning around to face him fully, his jaw was clenched to release some of the tension his body was feeling. "This is a job for me Lestrange, you think she'll allow you in her bedroom all alone at night? No."

"She doesn't have to allow me to do anything, either way she won't remember any of this. It doesn't really matter how we do it as long as it gets done," Icarus mumbled bitterly, trying to hide the secretive disgust in the back of his throat. He wouldn't say it out loud to any of the Knights, but he felt sick every time he thought of the plan. The inhumane plan to rid an innocent girl of her love.

"She doesn't deserve this, let alone that. I can get this done so much easier, and she still won't remember. Nothing has to get violent as long as we carry through with what I suggested," Abraxas said sternly. The thunder crackled above them and they both glanced up at the sky to see the darkness consuming it whole.

"She isn't stupid Malfoy, there is a high chance she'll see this coming before it even happens. Are you prepared to duel her to get this done?" The water trickled down his face and landed on the ground beneath them, leaving puddles of sad tears and the sky's warnings.

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