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Chapter Thirteen.

Two Weeks Later.

It had been two weeks since Zealand started working, and he was actually enjoying it. At first, it was an adjustment, considering the fact that he wasn't very good at interacting with others, but he was slowly getting used to it. Of course, Eddie ended up finding out and it wasn't a pretty situation but he eventually got over it.

Since both Eddie and Zealand worked throughout the week, Harmony had to get a babysitter. Zee didn't trust too many people being around his little sister, so he chose to leave her with his neighbor, Ms.Patty.

Ms.Patty was in her sixties and she was known for looking after many toddlers and young children in the neighborhood. She wasn't big on pay, either. She'd take whatever you were willing to give her, even if it was only $20.

Harmony didn't particularly like going over to her house since it smelled like moth balls and all the tv ever played was Jerry Springer and The Price Is Right. But, she learned to suck it up because Harmony knew her brother was trying his best to bring extra money in.

Zealand was seated next to Xavia on her bed as they watched tv. "Yeah, I can already tell I'm not gonna like this girl." Xavi exclaimed, shaking her head. They were watching a new Netflix original series entitled Ginny & Georgia. Zealand was trying his best to pay attention, but he couldn't help but doze off. He had been at work all day, and was exhausted. But, he had told Xavia that he would come by to hang out with her. It was safe to say that they had developed somewhat of a friendship. Although Zealand still wasn't very open with her, he was definitely more comfortable. Xavia was more comfortable with him as well.

"Can you believe that she-...Zealand?" Xavi looked over at him as he was laying back on her pillow.

"I'm up." He mumbled, opening his eyes.

"No, you're not." She chuckled. "You can go to sleep. It's okay." Xavia reassured him.

Zealand shook his head, "Nah, I'm straight." He rubbed his eyes.

"Boy, if you don't go to sleep. I know you're tired." She said, looking at him knowingly.

"You sure?" He asked, and she nodded. "Yes, I'm sure."

Zealand slowly laid back down. He placed his head on her pillow once more, then closed his eyes. Xavia grabbed the remote to her tv, then cut the volume down so that it wouldn't disturb Zealand as he took his nap.

After awhile of watching tv on her own, Xavia felt herself getting sleepy too. She laid down next to Zealand, being careful not to wake him as the bed shifted. She kept a good distance between them because she didn't want things to seem weird.

Xavia closed her eyes, enjoying the silence in the room. In about ten minutes, she was knocked out cold just like Zee.

An hour later, both of the teens had woken up. Zealand let out a yawn as Xavia stretched her arms up in the air.

"I didn't know you fell asleep too." Zee chuckled as he looked over at her. Xavia nodded, "Yeah, I ended up getting sleepy too." She said as she picked up her phone. "It's going on 6:30. My Nana should be here-"

"I'm back sweet pea!" Rose shouted as she entered the house.

"Right about now." Xavia finished with a laugh. "Come on." She tapped Zealand's leg.

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