CH 6: Surprises & Suspicions

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Listen to You & Me by Marc. E Bassy


Chapter 6

The next few days of school were so hectic, but luckily Franny agreed to drive me to school since Morgan was being stubborn and didn't want to. At least she understood. I barely saw Ryder not that I cared anyway.

Abbie was her usual self making snarky and rude comments to every passerby. I kept my window open often hoping that the boys would come again. My life was built on boredom, so I hardly had that much amusement, but much to my dismay his room was always empty.

My parents arrived back home exhausted as usual. But they ignored the topic about our new neighbours.As curious as I was I decided to drop the subject. The next morning was a Saturday, so I slept in. I had a late night Harry Potter marathon with Jay, but she needed to head back home since her mom placed a curfew that night. I headed downstairs for some breakfast. Maybe lunch, I thought glancing at the clock in the hallway.

"Family, the queen is awake and wants her food now!" I bellowed while skipping to the dining room knowing I wouldn't be heard anyway. Nearing the wooden double doors, I heard a faint laughter of a girl.

Crap. We have unexpected company.

Suddenly self conscious, I smoothed down my hair so it wouldn't resemble a birds nest. Glancing down my shorts and tank top were fine. So I proceeded on entering hoping my parents would approve that I wasn't properly dressed. They weren't even meant to be in town anyway.

Franchesca opened the doors greeting me with her usual soft gentle smile before I could knock. "Come in Miha, we were just having lunch."

"I thought so.''

Another important thing that you needed to know about my family, was that we all have a certain seating arrangement.

My dad, was obviously at the head, whereas my mom was at his right side, me on his left and my brother next to me and the other 8 seats remained empty. Franny preferred to eat by herself isolated from us. I sometimes joined her when all my parents could do was talk about politics or judge my eating habits.

Standing with my mouth agape, I saw an unlikely sight before my eyes. This unknown gorgeous red headed girl was in my seat. You heard right. Mine!

I just missed breakfast and I've already been replaced. Okay. Now I sounded a bit melodramatic but still.I totally felt the love family. Well hey. They might as well ship me off to Somalia to become a child-labourer since everyone aparrently forgot about my existence.

Still stunned I collected myself. Heading towards the seat next to mum instead while she eyed my clothes distastefully from the corner of her eye.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know you usually sat here," she stood up abruptly placing her hand on Morgans forearm after I greeted everyone 'Good morning' and they replied with 'Good afternoon.'

This gesture suddenly made me realize this was Morgans mystery girl. Smiling back I didn't mind at all."Oh no. It's fine, I came late anyway," I offered her another polite smile.

I settled in the hard seat and sipped my orange juice. Morgan's tense expression quicly calmed thinking I wasn't in the mood for chit chat. Oh brother dearest, the fun is just beginning. My parents who were on their phones and submerged in their own conversations were completely oblivious to the three of us seated at the table.

"Although-" I began making awkward faces, "Morgan here, tends to forget there are other people in the room at times, so if you smell an odd stench similar to rotten eggs-" Morgan choked on his coffee, while the girl chuckled lightly.

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