CH 12: Distractions & Dilemna

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Listen to All Night by Beyoncé


                    Chapter 12

Numb. That's how I felt after the heated conversation yesterday that I'd fled from. Or maybe it's just the fact that I had slept on a tree branch for almost several hours.

Whatever the reason, I wanted to stay hidden in my room for as long as possible. Well, after I return Ryder's blanket which I had been clutching all night till my brain registered whom the owner was making me throw it across the room in case I caught his snobbery and douche alter ego.

Unfortunately I had school that morning. Gee, how I anticipated walking down the halls with a handful of books and a fake personality.

'I don't give a damn bout my reputation' was the one sentence from a song that replayed as I lay thinking how I'd handle the expectations ahead. And for once contemplating wasn't necessary cause I was gonna give in to my sub conscious even though I didn't trust a single action I was gonna take.

Not just to prove to Ryder that I was a risk taker or justify to Abbie that I could be noticed on my own or to live up to my parents expectations but for myself. I guess, my emotions were a jumble but nothing felt more right to do than to act out just to get a reaction out of everyone.

Risk #5. Rebel for a day.

A surge of energy burst within me before I could talk myself out of this huge perversion of feelings.

I blasted my 'Diva' playlist which consisted of a whole lot of Little Mix and Beyoncé. Best of both worlds I suppose. Dancing round the room even though it wasn't my forte I picked out my outfit for the day.

'Leather,leather, leather' my wanna be bad ass self chanted over the music.

Showering quickly I then changed into high waisted ripped jeans, a camisole and a cute leather jacket over it.

Straightening my hair which was definitely not an easy task I sleeked it back into a high ponytail. Adding a few fake piercings just to give my parents a heart attack. I then finished by touching up my makeup a little more with a whole lot of eyeliner and a dark red mac lipstick which I only saved for special occasions.Staring in the mirror, I not only appeared but also felt like a whole new person.

I saw my parents stumble out of their room with annoyed looks. "What is that racket?" My mum shouted over the blaring music that was filling the house while they covered their ears.

I ignored them. Obviously.

Sliding down the rail of the stairs blowing kisses at the two of them I saw their mouths open and close continually unable to speak upon seeing me.

Passing the dining hall I cat walked into the kitchen enjoying the spur of the moment even though I felt completely ridiculous.Morgan who was sitting comfortably on a stool scoffing down Franny's pancakes and bacon paid no attention to his surroundings as usual.

Determined to make a scene I kicked open the fridge grabbing an apple smiling sweetly at Franny who turned from the stove. "Dios mio," she kissed her rosary as if Satan had impersonated my body. I laughed at her theatrical ways hoping she'd buy this act of recklessness.

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