CH 15: Reunions & Rapists

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Listen to Keep On by Kehlani


Chapter 15

Its been two days of school and a Jay getaway was the perfect remedy from my social life. That was crumbling all because of Abbie and her tactful revenge plans. Take for instance, this morning I had barely escaped a bucket of pig's blood being pelleted on top of me in the girls locker room. A scene straight out of our all-time favorite horror movie that we'd watched together. Carrie.

How original.

Jay and I were currently divulging into the last packet of skittles even though half of them were being thrown at the TV screen just for our amusement.

Apparently watching reality shows brought out our inner savage.

Jay would say something like: "her forehead looks brighter than my future!" Or "Look her pimples are forming constellations," and then we'd laugh till our eyes were teary when we created a solid insult just pointing fingers at each other saying 'nice one.'

I swear, the both of our judgemental commentary combined was harsher than Simon Cowell and that says a lot.

Morgan and I established an agreement whereby we'd never speak of our arguments after 24 hours which resulted in us giving each other the silent treatment between that time period since it was simpler than trying to solve our conflict. Afterwards we would just move on from it and not dwell in the past. As far as I could recall,that method always worked but tonight was a little different.

It was a Wednesday night and my hotline was blinging every five seconds with my brothers number.


"MORGAN EZRA TAYLOR CALL ME ONE MORE TIME-" I threatened trying to hear what one of the supermodels was giving a petty complaint about.

"Relax! I can see your veins popping on your huge forehead from here. I was just worried that... you hadn't recovered well but clearly you're back to your old self," he rolled out sarcastically.

I just scoffed in reply.

"Stay outta trouble and tell Jay that I need-" The line got caught off when I heard him yelling for the boys not to touch his control.

Ah yes. It was the infamous Wednesday team bonding night. And boy,was I glad I wasn't there to have to babysit that whole rowdy,immature bunch and have them treat me like a cheap servant girl.

Comfortably leaning back into my bean bag I opened another bag of gummy bears. I was so sure I'd die of diabetes because of this day.

"What did he want this time?" Jay asked looking at her phone uninterested at the current episode that was going on.

"Just being his usual annoying self...and I think he wanted to tell you something," I added fishing through the bag for the green flavored ones.

"Really?" She perked her attention back into the conversation. Slurping my soda loudly I just nodded my head.

Okay. Now my brother and Jay they were a whole different story. This is why I hated the beginning of my teenage years because I couldn't keep my handsy player of a brother off of my precious best friend.

Although it was inevitable.

So when we were all in 8th grade I had a slumber party thrown for my birthday. It was the talk of the town. Well, if you were a 12 year girl in Langston Town you'd understand the hype. It was being organised by my two best friends. So the obvious venue was my house. To skip right to the scandalous part of the night.

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