Part 25

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I woke up to the RV being quieter then usual, it scared me. I walked out to see Evan sleeping on the couch and Elton driving.

"Hey Elton." I said

"Hey you." He said smiling

"Where everyone else?"

"Well Corey is in his room while Brandon and Corbin are now sharing a room and I don't know what they are doing." He said

"Oh, sorry bout ruining the trip so far." I said

"What? You didn't ruin anything."

"Yeah I did, I got Corey and Brandon in a fight, and everyone is worried about me when they should be focused on this trip."

"Y/n everyone is worried about you because...well you know why." He said

"I know but it's all in the past, I'm not going back to my old ways." I said

"Ok then when was the last time you ate something." He asked

"Yesterday morning."

"Thats what I thought now go eat something please for me." Elton said

"Ok fine."

I got up and got a bag of chips then went back to my room, I was scrolling through Instagram when I noticed loads of hate comments on one of my post I took in the tree with Brandon. There were some nice comments but not a lot.


"Why would she choose Brandon over Corey"

"They are so cute together."


There were lots more, I looked at the bag of chips and pushed them to the ground. I kept scrolling through the comments and someone sent me a link from someone's live. I tapped it and it took me to Corey's live stream, he didn't notice I came on because he was too busy talking shit about me.

"So you I told you about the fight me and Brandon had over Y/n, and she chose Brandon over me even though I known her since the old traphouse days."

Someone posted a comment and he saw it, they asked about my past. Now Corey knows everything about it, he hasn't told anyone until now. Before he started talking about it, I went back out to Elton.

"Whats up?" He asked

"Just listen." I said

"Maybe some of you know Y/n got into a car accident and the cause of that was she was suicidal and she still is, then she got abused which I was the only one there for her and she still went for Brandon who knows nothing about her."

I started tearing up I couldn't believe Corey was talking about this while over a thousand people are watching. He soon ended the live and came out by us. I quickly told Elton to not say anything about that.

"Whats up guys." Corey said

Elton stayed driving and I left but instead of going to my room, I went to Brandon and Corbin room. I knocked lightly then the door opened, I looked up and saw Corbin.

"Sorry to bother you." I said

"No it's fine, whatcha need?" He asked

"Uh is Brandon awake?"

"Sorry Y/n he isn't."

"It's fine, well night."

I walk back to my room and layed down, I couldn't sleep at all last night and had only one thing on my mind.

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