Part 50

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Next Morning

I woke up pretty early but I guess everyone else did because I heard them outside our tent. Y/n was still holding on to me, she was pale. I felt her forehead and she was burning up.

"Elton, come here." I called

He unzipped the tent and crawled in sitting by our feet.

"Whats up?" He asked

"It's Y/n, she's pale and burning up." I said

"Probably still shook from last night."

She started to shifted in her sleep, she let go of me and turned her back towards me.

"At least today we are going home." Elton said before leaving

I got out of the tent and zipped it back up before walking to the rest of the guys, by the time we were done eating Y/n still wasn't up.

"Just pick her up and take her to the RV so we can finish packing our shit." Elton said

I took her back to the RV and layed her in bed, I went back out to pack after that we were back on the road. I went to check on Y/n and she was still sleeping, I saw her chest go up and down so she was still living.

"Don't worry too much about her." I heard Elton say

"Why not?" I asked

"She's just getting sick again, she'll have to stay with me for a few days till she's able to drive and all that."

I nodded my head and went back to the main spot with Elton. Everyone was mostly on their phones till Corey slammed his down.

"Did anyone remember Y/n's birthday is a few days?"

"Yeah, we are doing a surprise one for her." Elton said

"Don't talk about it now she might hear." Corbin said
After hours of driving we finally made it back to Elton's house, I went to Y/n's room and gently shook her awake.

"Babe we are at Elton's place." I said

She groaned and slowly opened her eyes and looked at me.

"How are you feeling? You slept pretty much all day." I said

She shrugged her shoulders and sat up, I helped her out of bed and walked up to where Ginger took her inside so I help the guys unload everything.

"Where's Y/n?" Corbin asked

"Ginger took her." I said

I grabbed my duffel bag and phone and grabbed Y/n's stuff too and went inside with everyone else, I threw our things in the hallway. Y/n was laying on the couch covered in a blanket as Ginger was kneeling next to her running her fingers through Y/n's hair.

"How is she?" I asked

"I don't know she won't talk but she does have a high temperature so it might be a fever."

"Will she have to stay here?"

"Yep, she can sleep in the spare room, aren't you and Corbin staying over too besides Corey." She asked

"Yeah, I'll lay in the spare bedroom with her." I said

Corey came into the livingroom with his bags and said he's going back to the traphouse, he hopes Y/n gets better then left. Elton and Corbin came into the livingroom also, I had Y/n head rested on my lap while Corbin lifted her legs up to sit then set them on his lap.

"If she doesn't get better tomorrow she might have to go to the hospital." Elton said

"Hasn't this happened before?" I asked

"Yeah but not where she sleeps all day it mostly where she pukes, coughs and has a high temp which Ginger said she has already." Elton said

"Which means it's coming slowly and we want to take precaution so we can get her the help she needs." Ginger said

I sighed and rubbed Y/n shoulder, I felt sad and empty without Y/n talking or laughing it was just all depressed without her.

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