Part 71

969 13 4

Next Morning

I woke up on the couch in Y/n's apartment, my phone kept going off and it started to annoy me. I picked it up to see a dozen of texts from Elton.

From Elton:

Corbin where are you?

Is Y/n alright?

Me and Ginger are going to the beach all day. Do you and Y/n want to come?

There was a lot more so I texted him back even without asking Y/n if she wanted too.

To Elton:

Yeah we would love to come but we won't be there till early this afternoon

After texting Elton I went up to Y/n's room to check on her, I opened the door a crack and she was still sleeping. I shut her door then went to the kitchen to make us breakfast, I decided to make toast, eggs, and bacon. I made our plates and went to wake Y/n up.

The apartment was silent, it was always silent everytime I woke up and I never liked it. I stared at the ceiling with my thoughts running like crazy until I heard my door open and Corbin poked his head in smiling at me.

"Morning!" He said happily

"Morning." I said

He came over and sat on the edge of my bed taking my hand and running his thumb over my knuckles.

"I made breakfast." He said

"Really?" I said jokingly

"Yes, now come on before it gets cold!" He said dragging me out of bed

I laughed as he dragged me to the kitchen and giving me my plate.

"So Elton texted me saying they are going to the beach all day and wants to know if we want to go." Corbin said

"Yeah I would love to go!" I said

"Perfect, once we're done eating you can change then we go to my place so I can change." Corbin said

I nodded my head as I put my empty plate in the sink, I gave Corbin a quick hug from behind then went to take a quick shower.

After I was done with my shower I wrapped my self in a towel and went to my room, Corbin was sitting on the couch watching TV but took a quick glance at me then look back to the TV. I rolled my eyes and picked out my swimsuit, it was a two peice. I put it on and grabbed a hoodie and shorts to put over it. Then went back out by Corbin.

"I'm ready." I said putting my hair in a ponytail

"Ok, lets go." He said as he grabbed his car keys

I grabbed my bag and followed him to the car and drove to his place.
"Ok I'll be in my room changing." Corbin said running to his room

I sat on the couch but soon got curious and decided to look around his house, it was much nicer then my apartment. I walked down a hallway and admired the pictures he had hanging on the walls.

"A bit snoopy aren't we?" I heard a voice say behind me

I turned around and saw Corbin wearing his swim trunks with no shirt on, I quickly turned around and went back looking at the pictures.

"Aren't you going to answer me?" He asked

"What was the question again?" I said

I heard him laugh a little and I blushed a little.

"Come on lets get going." He said grabbing my hand

We got back in the car and started driving but I thought kept running through my head.

Was I falling in love with Corbin?

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