Part 63

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I helped Y/n get situated in the spare room while the guys went out to do their own thing.

"There, lets go back downstairs Kat and Devyn should be here soon." I said

"Ok." Y/n said coming downstairs with me

We sat on the couch and watched TV a little till someone was knocking on the door, I got up and opened the door letting Kat and Devyn inside.

"Hey Y/n!" Kat said giving her a hug

"Ow ow." Y/n said

Kat quickly pulled away and looked at me worried.

"I'm fine, it's just my stitches on my stomach." She said showing Kat "And I have them on my throat."

"Colby did that?" She asked quietly

"He was just drunk driving thats it." I said

Kat nodded her head and we went to the kitchen to make some dinner for us, later we planned on going swimming till the guys came back.

"Do you two want to come to the traphouse tomorrow maybe?" Devyn asked

I looked at Y/n "It's up to you, I don't care."

"Sure what time?" She asked

"Probably around the afternoon." Kat said putting her plate in the sink

After the rest of us finished eating we went upstairs and changed into our swimsuits and went out to the pool.

Sorry for this part being so short, I've been trying to keep up with my school work and been trying to keep up with this story.

There are going to be times where I won't post any parts and in advance I'm sorry about that.

I hope you enjoyed this part even though it was boring and I hope you guys had a great day!

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