Part 46

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"Tell me one of you guys fucking saw that!" Corey said

It was at least 2 in the morning and Corey is already freaking out.

"What did you see?" I asked

"It was a fucking shadow walking behind Elton."

Everyone shook their heads and said they didn't see anything, he calmed down a bit and sat back down. Unknown numbers keep calling me and everytime I tell Brandon he just says to ignore it but it's kinda hard to.

"So nothing really crazy happened beside Corey seeing a shadow person." Elton said to the camera

"I keep getting calls from unknown numbers." I said

Elton looked at me and my phone started ringing again, I looked down and it said unknown caller.

"Answer it." Elton said

I answered it and said "Hello?"

You weren't able to hear anything it was dead silent but I knew someone was on the other side listening. I shoved my phone in my hoodie pocket and rested my head on Brandon's shoulder, he wrapped a arm around. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone standing behind a tree, I shot my head up but no one was there.

"What did you see?" Brandon asked

"I thought I just know what nevermind." I said

Elton thought that we should walk around and try to find our way back by ourselves.

"Just run deep in the woods in any direction then just try to find your way back here."

"Someone is either going to die or not come back." Corey said

"It'll be fine Evan will stay here, and once mostly everyone is back we go out looking for the ones who aren't." Elton said

Evan have everyone a flashlight and a gopro to film. Brandon gave me hug and told me to be careful. Then everyone went running in different ways.

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