Rise Up

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Meredith: "If you're a normal person, one of the few things you can count on in life is death.


Audrey: "These are amazing." she announces, coming into Meredith and Derek's room, holding one of Meredith's mom's journals as she gets into bed with them, Cristina on the other line

Cristina: "They're-they're all about the medicine" she shakes her head in amazement as Audrey puts the phone between hers and Meredith's ear "I mean, there's, like, no personal crap, no talk about boyfriends or feelings. She hardly even mentions you."

Meredith: "Yes, thank you for pointing that out. What about when she held the retractor for six hours without moving?"


Meredith: But if you're a surgeon...even that comfort is taken away from you.


Cristina: "They're like the Harry Potter books I never had."

Audrey: "Did you read the part when she did the pyloric stenosis on the 3-week-old baby?"

Derek: "You know you have your own room right?"

Audrey: "The twins are sleeping."

Derek: "So was I." he groans, flipping over, pulling a pillow over his head


Meredith: Surgeons cheat death. We prolong it, we deny it. We stand and defiantly give death the finger.


Cristina: "Hey, you're late. They have skills lab." she says as the three step off the elevator

Derek: "Good morning, Cristina. It feels like minutes" he gives the three women an annoyed look as Cristina pulls Audrey and Meredith down the hall "See you later?" he asks Meredith who nods her head

Bailey: "No, no, Tucker. I did not say I won't do the marriage counseling. I'm saying I can't do it in the mornings again. I'm now 20 minutes late for work. O-okay. I'll see you tonight."

Derek: "Marriage counseling. How's that going?"

Bailey: "You just heard us arguing about the marriage counseling. How do you think it's going?" she rolls her eyes, looking over when she hears him yawn "No. You're doing a craniotomy on my patient rosemary bullard today. Now are you gonna be awake for that, or will you be yawning into her brain?"

Derek: "Meredith kept me up most of the night."

Bailey: "I don't want to hear about your dirty, nasty-"

Derek: "Talking on the phone with Audrey and Cristina."

Bailey: "Aw. And they stole your sleep? Did you say Yang and Davidson goes or I go?"

Derek: "I don't think I'd win that one."

Bailey: "Those three come as a set. You should know that by now."

Derek: "Before she had Burke. Burke helped. And Audrey had Julian."

Bailey: "True."

Derek: "I think counseling's a good move. Addison and I did counseling."

Bailey: "Right before you got divorced!" her eyes widen as he walks off


Richard: "Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce...Stan" he motions to the human robot lying on a hospital bed "A state-of-the-art, computerized patient simulator. Stan can educate you in airway management, trauma assessment and care. He breathes, he pulsates, he seizes, he hemorrhages, he secretes and he speaks. Hello, Stan."

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