Deny, Deny, Deny

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Meredith: The key to surviving a surgical internship is denial. We deny that we're tired, we deny that we're scared, we deny how badly we want to succeed, and most importantly, we deny that we're in denial. We only see what we wanna see and believe what we want to believe. And it works. We lie to ourselves so much that after a while, the lies start to seem like the truth. We deny so much that we can't recognize the truth, right in front of our faces.


George: "I don't know. When I left, Cristina said she was ok." he shrugs as Izzie comes over to the table they're sitting at in the bar

Izzie: "Nobody goes through what she went through and is totally over it by now."

George: "Cristina can."

Meredith: "She's fine."

Izzie: "Too fine. She's cold."

George: "No, she's hardcore. She's got ice in her veins. She does what she has to do to get
through it."

Izzie: "She lost a baby. She lost a fallopian tube and she's acting like she doesn't even care. She's all "Hello, I'm a totally fine person." Ok, she's my friend too but she's acting like she has no emotions or warmth, like she's missing a soul."

George: "God, she's gonna make a great surgeon."

Izzie: "George!"

George: "It's true. You show no weakness, you make it to the top."

Audrey: "Some people just keep their feelings to themselves."


Bailey: "I want everyone focused today. With Cristina out, we're short an intern and I have a feeling it's gonna be one of those days. And Karev, see the chief by the end of the day."

Alex: "What for?"

Bailey: "Do I look psychic to you? He is the chief. He asked. You go."

Meredith: "What did he do now?" she whispers

George: "Maybe he gave the chief syphilis."
Kalpana: "So we're in the middle of the Belizian jungle and this jaguarondi jumps out and bites one of the guides" they hear when they come into a patient room and find a group of workers surrounding her bed "They all look at me. They're yelling, "You're a doctor, help him!" This is one time a PhD does no good."

Bailey: "I'm sorry, did I miss the bell for social hour?"

Kalpana: "Tales of missionary life."

Izzie: "You're a missionary?"

Kalpana: "No, my parents. We traveled a lot. They still do."

Izzie: "Oh wow. This stuff looks great" she looks at some of the artificats on the table before seeing the look Bailey gives her "Um, this is Dr. Burke's patient, Kalpana Vera-"

Kalpana: "Kull-punnah." Named by villagers in Nepal."

Izzie: "Uh, she presents with multiple syncopal episodes and ventricular arrhythmias."

Bailey: "So you've been passing out?"

Kalpana: "Yeah and having palpitations."

Izzie: "Past medical history of rheumatic heart disease with mitral valve stenosis."

Kalpana: "They had to ship me from Zambia to the States for 3 months of treatment when I was 8. Rheumatic fever almost killed me."

Bailey: "Dr. Stevens. What are the primary causes of ventricular arrhythmias?"

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