No Good At Saying Sorry (One More Chance)

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Alex: "Chicken."

George: "Good chicken."

Meredith/Cristina: "Yeah, chicken."

Audrey: "Needs some chocolate sauce." they all nod as they stand in Izzie's room, tasting the food options she showed them

Izzie: "I know it's chicken. I want to know what it tastes like."

Alex: "Tastes like chicken."

Audrey: "Delicious chicken."

Izzie: "I'm having surgery today."

Bailey: "Maybe. If the mets have shrunk."

Izzie: "I am maybe having surgery today, and as such, I cannot taste the chicken for myself, so I really need you guys to tell me what it tastes like. I need to nail down this dinner so I can announce it on Meredith and Derek's wedding website."

Meredith: "There's a website?" she gives her a look as her brows furrow in confusion

Izzie: "So can you please be a little more articulate than just chicken?" she gives them all a look, perking up when Derek comes out the bathroom "Yay! Oh, that's the one."

Audrey: "Very dapper, Dr. Shepherd." she tries but fails to hide her laugh, making him sigh

Derek: "You're serious about this? It's not some cruel joke?"

Izzie: "You look fantastic. He looks fantastic, right?"

Meredith/George: "Yeah."

Cristina: "Uh, whatever."


Meredith: Remember when we were little, and we would accidentally bite a kid on the playground?


Audrey/Meredith/Cristina: "Good luck with your scan."

George: "Good chicken." they all say, heading out the room, Audrey turning back to grab some more before turning back out the door


Meredith: Our teachers would go, say you're sorry. And we would say it, but we wouldn't mean it. Because the stupid kid we bit...totally deserved it. But as we get older, making amends isn't so simple. After the playground days are over, you can't just say it. You have to mean it. Of course, when you become a doctor,"sorry" is not a happy word. It either means,"you're dying, and I can't help"...or it means,"this is really gonna hurt."


Standing by a nurse's desk, Audrey is looking through a stack of charts when Zachary comes up behind her, giving her a look

Zachary: "Dr. Davidson." he greets, making her turn around, giving him a smile

Audrey: "Dr. Hines."

Zachary: "What are you doing here?"

Audrey: "I had an appointment. What are you doing here?"

Zachary: "I work here."

Audrey: "So do I."

Zachary: "Technically you don't since you are on maternity leave."

Audrey: "You said I wasn't allowed to do any work. You never said I couldn't hang around the hospital."

Zachary: "You know most people use this time to finish preparing for their baby about to come. Which, need I remind you. Is in a couple of weeks."

Audrey: "I have everything I need. Mark wanted to buy an entire store but I convinced him for us to use some of Haleigh's things."

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