These Ties That Bind

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Meredith: It's intense, what happens in the OR... when lives are on the line and you're poking at brains like they're Silly Putty. You form a bond with the surgeons right next to you. An unbreakable, indescribable bond. It's intimate, being tied together like that.


Cristina: "You up?" she comes into Meredith and Derek's room, Audrey behind her, holding Haleigh and Hunter in her arms and on her back

Derek: "No."

Meredith: "Yes."


Meredith: Whether you like it or not, whether you like them or not, you become family.


Cristina: "The Wicked Witch is dead." she sits next to Meredith against the headboard while Audrey drops the kids on the bed, sitting at the end

Meredith: "Metaphorically dead, or dead dead?"

Derek: "Who are we talking about?" he grunts a little when Hunter climbs onto his head, plunking down

All: "Hahn."

Audrey: "Her name is off the surgical board. Her surgeries have been canceled."

Cristina: "I don't know how or why, but I do know Hahn is gone."

Derek: "It's too bad. She was really talented" he mutters, the three women turning their heads to look at him "You're not talking to me."

Cristina: "Mm-mhn." she shakes her head as Derek sighs, getting out of bed

Hunter: "Up, pwease."

Derek: "Let's go." he picks him up, spinning him around which makes him giggle as he walks them out of the room, leaving just the girls
Sadie: "Hi." she greets when Derek opens the front door

Derek: "Hi."

Sadie: "Is Grey home?"

Derek: "Yes."

Sadie: "Death! Come on, where are you, Death?" she calls out, heading upstairs as Derek gives her a confused look "Death!" she squeals, jumping into bed between Meredith and Cristina

Meredith: "Die! Oh, my God, it's been..."

Sadie: "Forever."

Both: "You look like...Death!" they laugh, making Audrey raise her eyebrows

Sadie: "Is the guy in the pajamas your boyfriend? 'Cause if so, then hot."

Meredith: "Right?"

Cristina: "Hey. Uh...who are you?"

Sadie: "I'm Sadie. Who are you?"

Cristina: "I'm Cristina" she shrugs a little, the two blondes laughing which makes Cristina laugh with a force and Audrey gives the three a weird look


Audrey: "Apparently they went backpacking around Europe or something. Before med school." she informs, beginning to make breakfast while Derek and Cristina sit at the counter

Cristina: "That woman all but kicked me out of the bed."

Derek: "That's terrible."

Cristina: "And Death? Meredith's name is not Death, it's Mer."

Derek: "I really feel for you."

Cristina: "She's never even mentioned this woman. How good of a friend can she be?"

Audrey: "Good enough to kick us all out of bed." she gives her a look as Cristina's face falls

Derek: "Welcome to my world." he whispers, refilling her cup of coffee

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