Haunt You Everyday

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Meredith: There's a reason surgeons learn to wield scalpels. We like to pretend we're hard, cold scientists. We like to pretend we're fearless. But the truth is, we become surgeons because somewhere, deep down, we think we can cut away that which haunts us...


Meredith: "What are you guys doing up?" she questions when she comes into the kitchen and sees Audrey and Alex carving pumpkins

Audrey/Alex: "Couldn't sleep."


Meredith: Weakness, frailty...death.


Audrey: "What is that?" she questions while watching Meredith dump ashes into a plastic bag

Meredith: "My mother."

Alex: "Happy freaking' Halloween." he looks at her like she's crazy


Cristina: "What are we looking at?" she asks when coming into the locker room and sees the others watching Meredith put a bag in the shelf above her cubby before pulling it out

Izzie: "Meredith put her mom in a baggie and brought her to work."

Meredith: "I had to get her out of my closet. She was haunting me."

Alex: "And now she's haunting us all."

Meredith: "I'm putting her to rest."

Sydney: "Meredith is cleansing. In tribal culture, when one wants to cleanse the past, one cuts off all of one's hair and buries it in the earth. You might try that, too."

Audrey: "You're not cutting off your hair." she whispers in Meredith's ear when she brushes past her to get to her cubby

Callie: "Okay, listen up. Today is a holiday, which means the pit will be overrun. You've got the usual drunken stupidity..."

Bailey: "And then you've got Seattle's annual chainsaw pumpkin carving contest. I love this city." she excitedly smiles

Callie: "Stay on your toes, stay on top of your interns, okay?"

Izzie: "So we should round before heading to the pit or-"

Callie: "Yeah, you should direct your questions to Dr. Bailey, Stevens."

Audrey: "We're directing our questions to Dr. Bailey?"

Callie: "Oh, not you. Just Stevens."

Bailey: "Why is Stevens directing her questions to Dr. Bailey?" she questions and Callie turns to face Izzie who subtly shakes her head with a pleading look on her face

Callie: "Because she's been sleeping with my husband" she states, making the others except for Audrey and Alex look up in shock "All righty, then. Have a good day." she smiles, walking out the room and they all turn to face Izzie who nervously chuckles before quickly leaving

Cristina: "Okay, this is even more disturbing than your bagful of mommy."


Asher: "Excuse me ma'am do you think you can help me?" he calls out, making Audrey stop in her tracks and turn to face him with a smile of her face

Audrey: "Asher!" she squeals a little, moving to pull him into a hug "What are you doing here?"

Asher: "Well tour finished and I went home to talk to mom and she told me some interesting news."

Audrey: "Oh yeah?"

Asher: "Yeah like how you're now a mom, still can't believe that. I'm gonna actually need to see the little one as proof."

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