Didn't We Almost Have It All

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Richard: Being chief is about responsibility. Every single surgical patient in the hospital is your patient, whether you're the one who cut them open or not. The scalpel stops with you. You need to be able to look at a family...and tell them your team did everything they could to save someone's child. Their husband. Their wife. You get caught up...taking care of other people' families. And the responsibility, it makes you...you take care of other people's families...and you sacrifice your own.


Cristina: "I thought I was gonna hate this party game thing, but it's kinda great. Can we set her on fire after?" she looks up at Meredith who is wearing a dress made out of toilet paper

Meredith: "No, we cannot." she gives her a pointed look, making Cristina chuckle

Callie: "Okay, these wedding vows are not all gonna fit on here."

Cristina: "Then write smaller."

Callie: "Be still, please. "Vow" just became "cow."

Izzie: "You don't need vows on your hand. When you get up there, just speak from the heart."

Cristina: "Izzie, the heart is an organ. It pumps, it circulates blood, it gets clogged from time to time. It does not, however, speak. It doesn't have tiny little lips on it."

Audrey: "Well, you're all "glass totally empty." she puts a tiara surrounded by tissue on Meredith's head and the snicker a little

Cristina: "I'm gonna like being married. It's the wedding part that's ridiculous." she shrugs and they all groan when their pagers go off

Izzie: "Party's over."

Callie: "Damn."

Cristina: "Hey, mine didn't go off. Piece of crap." she sighs, getting up to help Audrey get Meredith out of the dress

Meredith: "You can do this, right?"

Cristina: "Become a piece of chattel? Sure. Looking forward to it."

Audrey: "No matter what, you're walking down that aisle today."

Meredith: "Yeah. I need you to go down that aisle."

Cristina: "Is the toilet paper cutting off your circulation?"

Meredith: "You marrying Burke, it's a sign. It's a sign that people like us...can do this. Be healthy, be happy. I mean Audrey's already married but she did that before she met us and wasn't all dark and twisty" she looks at said woman who chuckles at her "You marrying Burke, restores my faith in...me."

Audrey: "Oh, I get it. The wedding's all about you."

Meredith: "Yes."

Audrey: "Okay."

Meredith: "You can do this, right?"

Cristina: "I can do this."

Meredith: "Okay." she nods and they grab their things to head to the hospital


Cristina: "Burke." she calls out when they arrive at the nurses desk he's standing at

Burke: "Ah, I've got a surgery, but it shouldn't be more than four hours, five tops."

Cristina: "I can scrub in."

Addison: "How's Rina?"

Burke: "I need to get a C.T. angio, but I'm pretty sure it's a tear in her aorta. Her heart is about to blow."

Addison: "Most dissecting aortas burst within 48 hours."

Burke: "Which means we have less than 12 hours to fix it before she's dead."

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