Thanks For The Memories

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Meredith: Gratitude, appreciation, giving thanks. No matter what words you use, it all means the same thing. Happy. We're supposed to be happy. Grateful for friends, family, happy just to be alive. Whether we like it or not.

Mr. O'Malley, Ronny, Jerry: "O'Malley! O'Malley! O'Malley! Happy Thanksgiving!"

Audrey: "Uh yeah" she moves to close her bedroom as the three men continue chanting while entering George's room "Sorry mom, what were you saying?"

Rebecca: "That you're supposed to be here. We always do holidays together as a family. I mean Asher is off in another country touring with that ridiculous band of his. If I can't have both of my twins here I at least want to have one here."

Audrey: "And I wish I could be there. But I worked the night shift and I work tomorrow morning. It's best if I stay here instead of worrying about a flight."

Rebecca: "I know. Just wish you were here."

Audrey: "I promise I'll try to make it for Christmas."

Rebecca: "Alright."

Izzie: "Audrey!" she calls out from downstairs

Audrey: "I gotta go mom. I'll call you all later tonight."

Rebecca: "You better. Love you."

Audrey: "Love you too."


Mr. O'Malley: "Hurry up Georgie! There's a turkey out there with your name on it." the two women sitting in the kitchen hear as they watch the four men go down the stairs

Izzie: "Whoa, hey! Hey! Where are you going? Hey, where are you going?" she rushes over and grabs hold of his arm

George: "Every year, my father, my brothers and I hunt, shoot and kill a helpless slow moving turkey. Isn't that great?"

Mr. O'Malley, Ronny, Jerry: "O'Malley!"

Izzie: "Ok but what about dinner?"

Jerry: "Oh we'll have him back as soon as he kills his first bird. Right this year Georgie becomes a man, right Georgie?"

George: "It's George! Come on."

Izzie: "Okay, wait, wait! We can't make dinner by ourselves. Who's going to help us?"

George: "Who's going to help me?" he hisses while shutting the door and she sighs, turning back to head into the kitchen where Audrey is drinking a cup of coffee

Izzie: "What do you know about a turkey?"

Audrey: "I know how it tastes." she shrugs and Izzie sighs before moving over to start cooking


Izzie: "It's half past 10! You're late! I've had to try to do all-" she stops herself when she sees Burke move to stand in the doorway "Oh hi Dr. Burke. Hello" he gives her a half-wave and she awkwardly moves to the side to let the two through "Oh."

Cristina: "What was I supposed to do? Blow off my boyfriend for Thanksgiving?" she whispers, giving Izzie a look before glancing back at Burke I tried to. He wouldn't blow. He's like something sticky that won't blow off."

Izzie: "Ok, he's gonna ruin Thanksgiving. Now what am I supposed to talk to Dr. Burke about?"

Burke: "People who are shocked when I show up uninvited to their homes call me Preston."

Cristina: "Nobody calls you Preston."

Burke: "You don't call me Preston. Nice house."

Izzie: "Yeah."

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