Let The Angels Commit

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Meredith: To make it...really make it as a surgeon, it takes major commitment. We have to be willing to pick up that scalpel that may or may not do more damage than good. It's all about being committed. Cause if we're not, we have no business picking up that scalpel in the first place.


Cristina: "Put Burke in OR 2 tomorrow at 10 AM. The usual scrub team. And get rid of his valve replacement at 2, that's no good." she tells a nurse who writes on the OR board

Man: "Yang. Brought you a mocha latte."

Cristina: "You're not scrubbing in."

Man: "But Burke always lets me scrub it."

Man 2: "Hey, Yang can I get in on-"

Cristina: "No, no residents. Too crowded. Go away" she orders the two before moving closer to the nurse "Make sure you put the instrument tray on his left hand side. He needs the elbow room. And OR 2, no gallery. Burke was specific."

Nurse: "Dr. Burke has become very specific since coming back to work, hasn't he?"

Cristina: "Do you want me to tell him you said that?" they look down from the top of the stairs and watch Cristina talk to the nurse

George: "Burke's back and suddenly Cristina's running his board. Who does she think she is, Bailey?"

Meredith: "She's helping him."

Alex: "She's taking advantage. She gets out of rounds, she scrubs in on every surgery Burke does, she's ordered around 3'rd year residents."

Meredith: "You're overreacting."

Audrey: "She's writing on the OR board." she points out as they watch her push the nurse out the way to take over

Alex: "Maybe I should sleep with Burke."


Meredith: "You've been busy." she looks over at Cristina as they all stand in the locker room

Cristina: "Yeah."

Meredith: "Derek hast called yet. I told him I broke up with Finn a week ago, he still hasn't called."

Audrey: "Hey, do you wanna go get a drink, catch up? I know I can't drink but the smell makes me feel better."

Cristina: "Uh, no, I can't. I have to study up for Burke's surgeries tomorrow." she grabs her stuff and walks out the room and Alex turns to give the other two women a look

Meredith: "She's busy." she shrugs a little


Audrey: "We are not naming our kid Malcolm." she tells Julian who walks next to her down the halls of the hospital

Julian: "Why not? You love my uncle Malcolm."

Audrey: "Oh right. I forgot I said that."

Julian: "Ok so...what about Blaze?" he asks and she stops in her steps a little, giving him a pointed look

Audrey: "You're not even trying at this point."

Julian: "Ok so what do you want to name him? We both decided that we would come up with names before they're born."

Audrey: "You do remember that we don't know what we're having right? You could be focusing so much on boy names and we have two girls."

Julian: "I'm aware. Just figured we'd narrow down our favorite two names for a boy and then focus on ones of a girl."

Audrey: "Well from the way you're suggesting names they'll be 18 by the time we actually come up with one."

Julian: "Mm. Ok" he chuckles a little and looks down at the watch on his wrist "I gotta get up to Webber's office."

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