Tainted Obligation

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Meredith: We begin life with few obligations. We pledge allegiance to the flag. We swear to return our library books. But as we get older, we take vows, we make promises, we get burdened by commitments. To do no harm. To tell the truth and nothing but. To love and cherish till death do us part. So we just keep running up the tab until we owe everything to everybody and suddenly think, what the...


Cristina: "Anything?"

Meredith: "Nope. There was a papillary muscle rupture in the CCU, but he died before they got him to O.R."

Cristina: "Crap! I need surgeries now. I barely hit 100 hours in the OR this month. And you know they're gonna keep the residents with the most hours" she sighs, moving over to pull back a curtain where Steve is working on a patient, surprising him "What do ya got?"

Steve: "Um, diabetic ulcer."

Cristina: "Down to the bone?"

Steve: "No." he shakes his head, making her scoff, pulling back the curtain as she walks off

Cristina: "I'm done. Finished. Expired meat."

Audrey: "You're freaking out."

Cristina: "Well, you haven't been kicked off two services in a month. I couldn't get into an O.R. if I was bleeding to death. You got anything good?"

Meredith: "I'm scrubbing inon an optic glioma later on with Derek. I've never seen one."

Audrey: "Zach's showing me this new technique for bronchopulmonary sequestration of the lungs."

Moving over to another curtain, Cristina pulls it back to see Izzie raise her eyebrows as she looks up from her patient

Izzie: "What are you doing?"

Cristina: "Just making sure everything's running smoothly here. And...it is. Kudos." she nods, pulling the curtain back as Izzie squints her eyes

Izzie: "No, no, no. Uh-uh. Ho! No. I am on Hunt's service. Anything that turns surgical here is mine."

Cristina: "You don't need hours. You just spent six months in the O.R."

Izzie: "Unconscious on a table doesn't count."

Lexie: "Meredith?" she calls out, gaining the four's attention to where she's leading Thatcher into the E.R. "His neighbor said he wasn't getting his mail."

Thatcher: "Mer-Meredith...I heard you...got married on a sticker. That's great." he slurs, making Meredith roll her eyes

Audrey: "You know, we should go. Let you guys have...family time."

Lexie: "No, no, no. I don't know what's wrong."

Meredith: "Did you pick him up off the floor of a bar, Lexie? That might be a clue."

Thatcher: "Meredith, no I'm not...I haven't been drinking. I swear..." leaning down he vomits blood, making their eyes widen in shock as he coughs while gasping

Cristina: "Now that could be surgical."


Callie: "One more time. You be the chief, cranky and in a bad mood, and I'm Callie asking for her job."

Audrey: "You are Callie. And I am in a cranky mood" she points out, arriving at a vending machine "You got any quarters?"

Callie: "Right, so it works." she enthusiastically says, scoffing when Audrey holds her hand out, digging into her pocket to pull out some change

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