Almost Grown

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Meredith: They train doctors slowly. They watch us practice on frogs...and pigs, and dead people, and then live people. They drill us relentlessly. They raise us like children. And eventually, they take a cold, hard boot, And they kick us out of the nest.


Richard: "I have great faith in you..."
Richard: "Great faith."
Richard: "I can because I chose you, I trained you."
Richard: "I've watched you work. I know what you can do. That's why today is different."
Richard: "The training wheels are coming off, people."
Richard: "I'm throwing down the gauntlet today, people. I've got a $1-million surplus and one department gets it. You know what you need, and I know what you need. Now I want to know what you want. And I'm gonna keep the residents busy, very busy. So that'll give you time to put your best foot forward."
Meredith: "Navy scrubs?"

Richard: "Attending scrubs. You are attendings today. Run the cases, take point, but don't be a fool. If you get in over your head, cry uncle. Until then...congratulations. You've just been promoted."

Lexie: "Um, Chief Webber. Uh, sorry. I-I didn't get any scrubs."

Richard: "Oh, this is for fourth-year residents only, Grey. It's just a regular day for you."

Lexie: "Well, fine. Well, if they're gonna be attendings, then that makes me chief resident."

Alex: "No. That makes you our scut monkey."

Lexie: "No, it doesn't. Does-does it? It doesn't." she scoffs, following after him

Standing at her locker, Audrey begins putting her stuff away. Turning to see Cristina staring blankly at the shirt in her hands

Audrey: "The attendings aren't going anywhere. We're basically just playing dress up."

Cristina: "Yeah."


Teddy: "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Ricahrd: "Of course it is. We all did it. It's the evolution of the craft, the passing of the torch, the lifeblood of the training process" he nods, watching the residents for a moment before sighing "Pray, people. We want God in the building today."

Zachary: "What time are we pitching you?"

Bailey: "Yeah, is there an order?"

Richard: "You people are adults. You decide the order. I decide whose department gets the $1 million. Love a good dogfight."

Callie: "He can be intimidating once you get in the room."

Teddy: "Really?"

Callie: "Oh, yeah. When I pitched my cartilage research last year, he was all ticked off 'cause I had a typo in my table of contents."

Teddy: "Y-you had a table of contents?"

Callie: "Yeah" she shrugs, smiling as Teddy hurries off before turning to see the look Zachary gives her "What? I love a good dogfight, too. Ruff."


Zachary: "This is pretty much a normal day for you. You pretty much handle half my cases already." he hums, walking down the hall with Audrey

Audrey: "Mmh. Don't you just love the fact that you have a resident you don't have to worry about?"

Zachary: "It does have it's perks." he nods as she chuckles

Audrey: "You are welcome" she smirks, looking down at her pager that starts going off "Incoming."


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