Chapter 40 Acceptance

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Niyati's POV

Accepting the job was easy. I knew I would have to prove myself. People will have many pre concocted theories in their mind. I may not have worked in a big company for a long time but I have worked in so many and that helped me experience how people think.

Frankly speaking, I don't blame them. It is obvious to think little of the person who is old and plain looking to be offered a secretary job. Also my resume wasn't something to be impressed with. I could hardly write my previous work experiences. If I started it would end upto two pages atleast, and should I mention none of which lasted more that one week? What if I was asked why so? The answer is simple…. your boss didn't let me do it….wow. I would definitely get great reactions to that.

I was hell nervous to face anyone. Thankfully I don't think I would have to give any interview. I was already appointed. The bigger question was, what exactly was I supposed to do as a secretary. I am an accountant for God's sake. I have no idea what secretaries do. As per my contract I am supposed to manage Shaurya's house also. That would be easy but what about the office part? And what about his secretary? He is one scary dude. He looked like he was about to throw me out the last time I was here.

I guess I should just wait and watch. Like that say, I will eventually get the hang of things.

So I sat patiently waiting for Shaurya to come back. I could have left after signing my appointment letter but it looked rude to just leave without thanking the person who gave me the job and more so because that person was going to be my boss now. But it was getting late. I couldn't see any watch in the cabin but I arrived around 8 and atleast one hour must have passed already.

I turned my face to see through the huge glass window on my left but all I saw was darkness. I went near the window and the scene in front of me was mesmerising. I could see the whole city from here. It was beautifully lit. I could hardly make out any person from here. They looked like tiny dots. I was on the 16th floor, I reminded myself. But the passing lights of the vehicles and the street lights made the view beautiful to look at. I could continue watching it the whole day. It was just beautiful.

I was lost in my own thoughts when someone said

" Enjoying yourself?"

It was a man's voice but not Shaurya's. I took my time turning around.

Shaurya's secretary!!

He kept staring at me with a small smile on his lips. Something about him screamed he wasn't happy to have me here. I hope Shaurya didn't replace him with me. I would hate to take away someone else's job.

" Looks like we are going to be working together."

He was scrutinizing me from top to bottom.

I just nodded my head. He was scary!!

He laughed.

Why is he laughing?

" Why don't you have a seat?"

I just sat on the sofa besides me. He isn't that bad. Maybe he was angry because I entered the cabin before without his permission. Should I apologize? I need to co exist with him now. So it's better to start on a good note.

" I am sorry about before. I shouldn't have entered without your permission. The matter was urgent."

I finally gathered courage and apologized looking timidly at him.

He looked taken aback. His smile disappeared and his face went blank.

Slowly he walked towards the sofa and sat sideways on it so that he could sit looking straight at me. Thank God the sofa was for three and there was space left between us. If he looked scary before, I was wrong. Because right now he looked really really terrifying.

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