Chapter 46 First Day

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Niyati's POV

I was at my desk finally.

My new place. Yay!!!

Sitting on the chair I decided to give it a swirl. There was no one in the office yet, so why not?

After the first swirl it felt so good, I decided to ignore Shaurya's behaviour.

Second swirl...I decided to have patience and look ahead instead of dwelling in the past.

I was about to swirl once more but stopped half way when I heard

" Hello beautiful!! Do you know how hot you look in my chair? How about we share it?"

Who can this be?

I had stopped mid way back facing whoever it was flirting around. I was really having a good time swirling and making plans. Time to face whoever this crappy person is.

I turned around.


I should have guessed. Who else can treat any woman like that other than Mr. Abhijay.

His eyes went wild when he saw who I was.

" What the f***. "

I decided not to reply to him.

He was eyeing me from top to bottom. What the hell is his problem? He really is creepy.

He didn't seem to come out of his shock. It was getting weird. Is he going to be like that all the time?

" If it's your chair you can have it. I will take the other one."

What else was I supposed to say? Thankfully he got out of his shock.

" No need."

Was all he said but he was still staring.

Keeping his eyes on me he sat down as the phone on the desk rang. He finally took his eyes off me as he went to pick the receiver. But I think he muttered " F*** she looks hot" while shaking his head before he took the call.

" Sir is calling us inside."

Abhijay said once he had replaced the receiver.

" After you."

He said standing aside as he let me take the lead to Shaurya's cabin.

Since when did he become such a gentleman?

" F*** "

I heard a low whisper from behind.

Did he send me ahead so he could check me out from behind? I hope not.

Entering the cabin Shaurya signaled us to come in with his hand as he was busy on a call.

" Why the hell haven't you switched on your laptop yet?"

Shaurya screamed at Abhijay as soon as he finished his call.

" It's...It's starting sir."

Liar!! He was too busy checking me out. He hadn't even gotten his laptop out of his bag yet.

" Is this your first day too? You know the drill. You need to login as soon as you come in. One more mistake and I'll transfer you to the Accounts department."

Shaurya's voice was a bit on the angry side. I think he was controlling because of me.

But how can transfering to the accounts department be bad? I love accounts.

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