Chapter 48 Shaurya Unlimited part 2

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Shaurya's POV

Time!! It is a cruel thing.

When you wish for it to go slow it runs like anything and the moment you want it to run it just refuses to move ahead.

Right now I felt time was my enemy.

It must have been just minutes or may be seconds that Arjun had asked Jay to come to my cabin but I felt like hours had passed already.

I tried to calm down. Sitting on the bed inside the room connecting to the cabin I closed my eyes trying to breathe. But everytime I closed my eyes the image of Jay checking out Niyati popped into my head, boiling my blood.

All I could think of right now was to beat the crap out of that jerk. Maybe strangle him too while I am at it.

Just as I was about to commit murder in my head I heard a knock at the door. Here comes the man who is soon to be dead. Arjun better scare the hell out of him so that he never even thinks of glancing at Niyati again, else he might have to find me a very good lawyer who can cover up murder.

I waited!!

Arjun asked Jay to enter.

Jay came in. He stood rooted near the door on not finding me anywhere.

" Should I come in later?"
Jay asked.

Arjun just shook his head and gestured with his hand showing him the chair next to his. Understanding what he meant Jay silently sat down.

Arjun hadn't uttered a word till now. He continued staring at him. He even turned his chair making it obvious that he was looking at Jay.

Jay looked nervous. He was looking anywhere else other than Arjun.

Is Arjun really that intimidating? How come I never thought so?

I have no idea how I waited in silence for five minutes. I guess I enjoyed the game Arjun was playing, especially when I could see Jay getting more and more nervous with every passing minute. He was killing Jay with his silence.

Suddenly Arjun started laughing.

" Hello beautiful!! Do you know how hot you look in my chair? How about we share it?"

Arjun had an evil smile playing on his lips.

Wait! Did he repeat what Jay had said to Niyati? Looking at Jay's paled face confirmed my suspicion. The surveillance video had no audio. Looks like he can read lips.

Damn! He is good. No wonder he even broke terrorists. Jay must be a piece of cake for him.

" I.. I….swear...I di... didn't know it was her."

I couldn't help laughing as Jay stammered.

Arjun didn't react. He continued staring at Jay, his expressions blank.

" Fine!"
Arjun suddenly exclaimed, making Jay jump in his chair.

" What about the calls?"

" I didn't...they were just goofing around."
Jay was quick to reply as if scared to delay talking even by a minute.

" Hmmm. Ofcourse they were. Afterall they needed to payback what you do to them. Am I right?"

Jay didn't reply to Arjun. He just gulped hard, obviously being caught.

So that's why Arjun said women are safe in this company. He had already guessed that the calls were supposed to harass Jay not Niyati.

Arjun stood up and removed his jacket. He unholstered his gun and sank back into his chair again.

Jay's eyes were fixed on the gun. Was he sweating also? I am sure the air-conditioner is working properly.

" Don't be scared I won't shoot you."

Relieved Jay gave a faint smile on Arjun's remark.

" It might kill you instantly. Instant and painless death is not for people who think bad about women."

Now that drained all the blood from Jay's face. I could clearly see fear in his eyes.

" Instead I would like to chop off your … know what. No that, no urge for woman. Problem solved permanently."
Arjun was eyeing Jay's lower part.

Jay went more pale. He tried to say something but words refused to come out. He was shaking like anything.

Arjun hadn't even laid a finger on the man and he was already ready to pee in his pants. It would be wrong if I said I wasn't enjoying it. But at the same time even I got goosebumps looking at the cold side of Arjun. He looked very much in his element. Saying precisely what was needed with calmness and with such sincerity the opposite person just knew he meant every word of it.

" On the other hand, I don't want to dirty my hands with your blood. So I have decided to let you go."

What the hell? What is Arjun doing? Why the hell would he do that?

" Actually I don't need to."

I knew there was a catch.

Right now Arjun was looking so scary, as he continued staring at Jay.

Jay looked like a lamb sent into the lion's den. He knew that one wrong move and the lion was ready to pounce on him. On the other hand if he continued to sit without any moment he became an easy prey. One thing is certain. Lamb is going to be sacrificed no matter what he does.

" All I have to do is make some calls to the husbands of your girlfriends. I know some of them don't care about you sleeping with their wives. But I think they will definitely care when I tell them that you use their wives as an information desk, making them reveal their business secrets. Trust me they will make you disappear without a trace."

I don't think Jay could go any more paler now. He was barely keeping it together.

One second Jay was in a chair, next he fell onto Arjun's feet.

"Please! I am sorry. I won't do it again."

Jay was begging, holding Arjun's feet, his whole body shaking as he continued to sob.

Oh man! What a satisfying site!

" Really? Are you really sorry? You very well knew who she was when you were checking her out. Did you really think that we can't protect the women from our family? Do you know how much I am controlling right now to throw you out of this window. I don't care if I go to jail for it, but I would love to see every bone of your body broken."

" Please... please it was a mistake. I won't look at her ever again. In fact I won't look at any woman from this office ever again. Please. I am sorry."
Jay was still on his knees pleading.

" This time I am letting you go. But one complaint….if I get a whiff that you even looked at any woman in this company, I will be coming for you. Am I clear?"

All Jay could do was nod. He was nodding so vigorously I thought he might break his neck.

" Now get out before I change my mind."

Jay was instantly on his feet. He wiped his face before opening the door and was soon out of sight as the cabin door closed.

I came out in the cabin.

" Well? I hope you enjoyed seeing him beg? Enough to suppress your murdering instincts?"

Arjun asked, having a playful smile on his face.

He sure knows how to read people.

" Will do! for now."
I replied, not boosting his ego.

He laughed. He knew he had delivered.

" You really need to work on how to express. And do it before she runs away."

He smiled and left.


Now I can finally work. Rest of the day went as usual till it was time for Niyati to leave for the day. All I had to do was say bye but then,me being me, opened my big mouth and that's how trouble started.

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