Chapter 47 Shaurya Unlimited part 1

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A million times sorry for not updating on time and thank you for not giving up on the story.

A fair's Shaurya's POV and he is pissed so excuse the lovely words flying out of him.

Also a big chapter ahead to make it upto you. Enjoy!!


Shaurya's POV

Ever had the feeling that you are lonely in spite of being surrounded by people all the time?

I was never alone. Always surrounded by someone or the other. When I was a kid I was surrounded by maids, divers and bodyguards, never by my parents. I felt lonely all the time.

Then came the golden phase when I was always surrounded by Shikhar. I, being the only family around, he used to follow me around everywhere I went. But that stopped when he went abroad for studies.

I had started feeling lonely when Niyati came into my life. That's when everything changed. I never had time to feel lonely. When she wasn't around her thoughts always were. Just the fact that she must be missing me more than I missed her, never let me feel lonely, even if I was miles away from her. Plus, the anticipation that I would be getting a beautiful smile knowing it was to mask the happy tears for missing me, would keep me going on without feeling lonely.

But then everything changed on that black day. The day I saw her with someone else. I still wouldn't have accepted that she would spend a night with someone else had she herself never accepted it. That day broke me beyond repair.

If I thought I was lonely before, I was wrong. The day she walked out of my life I came to know the true meaning of being lonely. No matter how many people surrounded me the emptiness in my heart just refused to get filled.

First year was the hardest. There were times when I refused to leave my office cabin for days. I used to work day and night non stop burying myself in so much work that I didn't have a spare second to think about Niyati.

I still remember a time when I had locked myself up for four continuous days. Niyati's birthday was coming near. I knew, if I started to think about her, even for a second, all the pain will be rushing back. So I was scared to leave the work even for a minute. It was the only way I knew that would help me to keep my pain away. Needless to say, I must have looked like a zombie by the end of the third day itself. Yet I refused to leave or even shut my eyes for a second. I can't forget how pissed I was at Arjun when he forced a doctor at gunpoint to inject me with something that made me fall unconscious.

I then found another way to deal with my pain. I started giving her pain.

I made sure to make her life hell. Somewhere I knew that a innocent soul like hers would never backstab me. Something was fishy from the very beginning and my heart knew that. But then, it was also so broken and lonely that it refused to accept anything. Actually all it ever wanted was to trouble her so much that one day she would see that I was being unjust and come running back to me. I just wanted her to confront me. I wouldn't have cared if she would have yelled at me or cried. I just wanted her to come to me so that I would have engulfed her in my arms and told her to leave the past behind. But she never came.

Ten years I waited for her. I tortured her by whatever means possible. I made her life hell. But she never came.

Every year my heart broke a little more.
It just wanted to know why wouldn't she come and meet me once?

The moment my mother's involvement was revealed I knew she was somehow involved behind Niyati spending a night with a man she didn't even know. Niyati was naïve enough to buy the crap that she thought it was me and made love to another man. Drunk or not she would never stoop to such a low level. I was just pissed at the fact that she refused to tell me the whole story even when I confronted her.

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