Chapter 2

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Shikhar's POV

Born with a silver spoon is a phrase totally made for me. In my case it can be a golden spoon too. I never had to struggle for anything. Born into one of the richest families of India, I was used to enjoying all the luxuries of life without even asking for them. But everything comes at a cost.

I was sent to the best school in India and then sent abroad for further studies.  The person I missed the most was my elder brother. He was my everything, especially because my parents were always busy expanding business. In short, earning money was more importantly to them than spending time with us. So, it was always just me and my big bro.

If you ask me about him I can talk for hours without getting tired. He is my life line, the reason for me being a good person. Today if I am anything, that is because of him. He was always there for me as my parent, my friend, my guide, my short my everything.

I still remember the day I was leaving to study abroad. I don't know why, I had a feeling that I might lose him forever. I neglected the feeling thinking it might be because this is the first time I will be away from him for so long.

After completing my studies when I returned I was heartbroken to find a driver standing at the airport holding my name. I had expected my big bro to pick me up. In fact, the whole time on the flight I was thinking of ways as to how I shall run and hug him.

My worst fears had come true. Even after two days of my return I couldn't get a glimpse of my bro. Something had changed, drastically.

On the third day I couldn't take it anymore and officially took an appointment with his secretary and went to meet him. But I never met my bro.

I mean the person in front of me was him, yet it wasn't him.

The person I left behind was down to earth, talkative, warm and smiling all the time. Someone who could make even a stranger feel at home in just a few seconds. His smile was so infectious he could make a sick person forget all the pain.

The moment I set foot in his office all I could sense was fear. Fear, his employees had for him. Everyone seemed on edge. The office was so silent I could hear the sound of my heart beating.

When I saw him, I felt like I was meeting a stranger. A shrewd businessman to be precise. My bro was nowhere to be found. This person didn't even smile once. Even though I was sitting in front of him, he was engrossed in his laptop working all the time, definitely avoiding me. He talked only when necessary. Talked would be a wrong term, barked would be more accurate. He was literally barking orders at his employees. I felt sorry for them.

I knew something very bad must have happened to change him so much. He just wasn't himself. I wanted my bro back and was ready to go to any extent for that.

I started digging around, but everyone around was so scared of him, no one was ready to open their mouth. Which only confirmed my suspicion that something had happened for sure. But what? What was it that changed a down to earth person to a cold hearted one?

I was so heartbroken I felt like I was left alone in this world. I would have gone in depression had I not met Ashu.

First time I saw her she was standing in front of a shoe shop in a mall, admiring a pair from the display window. Her eyes were sparkling. Well I don't know if it was because of tears of joy or sorrow as she was displaying both the emotions. I was amused to say the least.

It wasn't love at first sight. I was just amused at her innocence, so went and stood beside her trying to figure out what was so special about the pair she was so engrossed in. They looked normal to me.

"Are they special?"
I asked out of curiosity.

"They will go perfectly with my show stopper outfit."
She replied without taking her eyes off them.

I don't think she even knew if the person standing beside her was male or female. Well it did hurt my ego a bit. I was used to female attention. If not by my good looks, my name and status was enough to attract the opposite sex. But this girl was finding those shoes more attractive than me.

" Aren't they for sale? What's stopping you from buying them?"
Though my voice was calm but inside I was hell jealous. Dammit!! I must be crazy. Why is a stranger's ignorance bothering me?

" I asked Niyu to credit 1000 bucks in my account. She only credited 500. She keeps forgetting things."

" How about I sponsor your fashion show?"
This caught her attention. She finally looked at me.

That was the first thing that came to my mind.

She might be a few inches shorter than me. Perfect!

Her skin was spotless. A shade lighter than mine. Perfect!

Her carved eyebrows looked more beautiful as she was frowning now. Perfect!

Her greenish eyes which right now were looking at me as if I had grown two heads were sparkling. Perfect!

Omg she is just perfect for me. My heart was beating at a crazy speed. Not only me, but she definitely was getting second glances from the other guys passing by too. She looked like a model. I was mesmerized.

"What did you just say? Do I look like a beggar to you?"
She was fuming. Her hands were on her hips and her nose had turned red.

Omg! She looked hot!

I couldn't get my eyes off her. I think I was just staring at her, because she snapped her fingers in front of my eyes.

" You are taking it all wrong. You see I am an investor. I am already sponsoring some fashion shows. When you said you wanted those shoes for your show I thought of doing business with you and nothing else."

Investor! Fashion shows must be having them right? Damn, I should have studied MBA like my bro. Why did I have to choose to become a dentist?

Did she catch my lie? She was eyeing me from top to bottom. I was about to say sorry and run before she started screaming and gathered the crowd to beat me up, but she started laughing instead.

" Omg who sponsors fashion shows at college festivals?"
She could hardly stop laughing.

My heart skipped a beat. My mind was blank. All that was going on in my mind was….. Beautiful.

" How about I buy a cup of coffee then?"
Words came out my mouth without any second thoughts. I wanted to know her. I may never see her again if I let her go. And I definitely didn't wanted to let her go.

She answered…...

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