Chapter 17

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Shikhar's POV (Flashback)

" I don't want to do this to Niyu. It's not fair. What if something happens to her? "

Ashu had been irritating me by refusing to go ahead with the plan after saying yes.

I agree my plan was a bit extreme but I knew extreme measures were needed to make Niyati open up.

" What will happen to her? She will be worried, that's all. Plus I will be with her all the time. So I won't let anything happen to her. "

I tried to reason out with Ashu. We had been having this conversation from past one hour over and over again. These sisters can be so adamant at times.

" I don't know. I think this plan of yours is a bit too extreme and stupid. Who on earth will kidnap me? You are a billionaire, not me. Why don't you get kidnapped instead."

Ashu said, looking confused.

I love her a lot but sometimes I really doubt her intelligence. The only intelligent thing she did in her life was to choose me.

I have to do something to convince her. 

" Aren't you the number one successful, beautiful, hot and se….I mean dashing designer? Who wouldn't want to kidnap you? Niyati will totally buy it. Don't worry."

The moment I said this, Ashu's expressions had started to change. Just a little more and I was sure she would be saying yes.

" Just think! If our plan works Niyati will get settled in her life. Don't you want her to be happy with a loving and caring husband?"

I tried to keep my face as neutral as possible while saying this. I was actually dancing from inside knowing very well she was convinced. Well! Not fully convinced but now she will definitely try to take the risk.

" Ok fine!! But if anything happens to my Niyu I won't see your face ever again. "

Ashu said while keeping her hands on her hips and frowning. She looked sexy as hell.

I was quick to wrap my right arm around her waist and pull her towards me. She landed on my chest. I snaked my left hand around her neck and joined our lips.

Ashu tried to push me.

" Don't we have planning to do, for my so called kidnapping? "

She said while taking her head back creating some distance between us. Atleast she wasn't frowning now.

" Oh! This is part of the plan. So that I don't miss you much tomorrow."

" Hmm"

Was all she could say as I pulled her again and started trailing kisses from her jaw towards her neck. I sucked her skin joining the neck and shoulder.

It had been quite sometime we were lost in each other, kissing and hugging.

We never did the actual deed. She wanted to save it for after marriage and I respected her decision. But sparks did fly between us every now and then.

I knew very well that even she found it hard to control, but then one of us always did. That was the beauty of our relationship. One of us was composed when required.

We had been sitting on the sofa holding each other when I saw her lost in her thoughts.

" What is bothering you so much?"

I asked, softly touching her chin with my fingers and raising her head so that I could look at her beautiful face.

" I just hope our plan works. It's been a long time since I have seen Niyu really happy. I know you think I am stupid not to realize that something is wrong with her.

I know she had to face deaths of our parents and then of our grandma all alone. I was just a kid to understand then. But I remember she used to be happy whenever she came to meet me even after that.

I still remember her bright smile when we celebrated her 24th birthday. I had come home that day.

She was glowing when she came home from office, in spite of being all wet and walking quite a distance in the heavy rains. She just couldn't stop smiling then. We danced and jumped around the house the whole night. I remember it vividly because that was the last time I saw that beautiful smile of hers.

After that she started to avoid coming to visit me at my boarding school, though she never failed to call and ask about my well being. When I came back home after completing school next year,I could feel that she had changed. A lot. Though she tried to hide it, I never saw that beautiful smile of hers.

I know that she pretends to be happy just for me. Don't you think I know how pale she looks. She hardly eats. She is lost in her thoughts most of the time. Always spaced out.

I also know she cries most of the nights. She avoids to fall asleep just so she doesn't get that dream which haunts her.

I know you say that I am ignoring that something is wrong with her. Maybe I am. I have been trying to convince myself that she has no past life and that she is sacrificing her life just to take care of me.

I know it's not the truth. But I don't think I am ready for the truth. If something bad has happened in her past, I don't know if I am strong enough to hear it myself, let alone to bring her out of it.

It had always been her who stood by me. She is the stronger one. I don't know what I will do if the roles get reversed."

I just kept listening to Ashu stunned.

I had honestly never expected such maturity from her. No matter how much I loved her I used to get irritated about her ignoring Niyati's strange behavior.

I loved her more after hearing her heart out. I always knew Niyati meant a world to her. Today she trusted me enough to show it.

" Hey I will always be with you whenever you feel weak. You know I love Niyati like my sister too, right? Then how will I leave her to suffer alone? We both will bring her out of whatever it is bothering her, together. Okay?"

I said while wiping Ashu's tears. She gave me a faint smile and we just sat holding each other's hands, lost in our own thoughts.

If anything, now I was more determined to find out what was wrong with Niyati. It was high time either she let go her past, or decided to move forward by embracing it.

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