Chapter 9

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Author's POV

" Niyu... Niyu they are torturing me. Get me out of here."

" Where are you? What happened? Are you okay?"

" They asked me to tell you to bring 20 Crores by tomorrow. Don't call the police else....."


" Ashu....Ashu? Talk to me please. Ashu"

Niyati was shouting on the phone with all the energy she had in her, but all she got in return was silence. She had started shaking all over.

" What happened Niyati? Are you all right? What did Ashu want? What did she say?"

Shikhar's questions were falling on deaf ears. Niyati was in no position to utter a word. She had no idea what was going on around her.

" 20 Crores! I don't even have 200 rupees. From where will I bring so much money?"

Niyati was talking to herself staring at nowhere.

" Niyati. What the hell are you talking about? Niyati!!"

Shikhar yelled and shook Niyati.

Niyati did come out of trance but had no idea what to say or from where to begin. Her mind had gone blank.


" Niyati first sit down and drink some water."

Shikhar held Niyati's arm and made her sit on the sofa. He forcefully placed a glass of water near her mouth, taking it away only after she had gulped down a few sips.

" Now tell me what happened. Why do you need 20 Crores?"

Shikhar asked Niyati his face full of concern.

" Ashu has been kidnapped."

" What??"

Shikhar yelled and collapsed on the sofa beside Niyati.

" Did they do anything to her? They want 20 Crores? How will we arrange for that much amount of money? "

" Do you have money? Can you give it to me? I will try to return it till I die. Please please for Ashu give it to me."

Niyati had taken Shikhar's hands in hers and was crying like anything while talking.

" Ashu is my everything. Whatever I have is hers. You don't even have to ask me. I have approximately 10 Crores. I will have to gather all my savings. Maybe sell my clinic too."

" Sell clinic? Won't that take time?"

Niyati had hope in her tired and red eyes. Shikhar's assurance had brought her out of shock now and the fact that something can be done had brought her out of her shaken state.

" Yes it will take time. A week at the most."

" A week? They want the money tomorrow itself. How can we leave her with them for a week? God knows what awful things they might be doing with her."

Niyati had started to break down again.

" Let's go to the police. ACP is my friend. He will help us find her."

" Are you crazy? They will harm her if we go to the police. They specifically said not to go to the police. "

" Then what do we do?"

Pin drop silence surrounded the room as both sat on the sofa lost in their thoughts. The only sound was the occasional sobbing of Niyati.

" Let's go to my brother. 20 Crores is nothing for him. Let me make some calls so that we can meet him."

Shikhar broke the silence after a long time.

Niyati just nodded her head. She had no idea what to do. There was no way she could arrange that much amount of money ever in her life, let alone in a day. Asking Shikhar's family for money wasn't something Niyati would ever have wanted in her life. But right now she had no other option. Ashu's life was at stake.

Will Shikhar's brother give them money? He doesn't even talk to Shikhar then why will he meet her?

Niyati's head was storming with a lot of questions. She saw Shikhar getting up and going towards the balcony, cell in his hand, probably trying to call his brother.

Niyati could hear Shikhar making a number of calls to try to get an appointment with his brother. If it was so difficult just to see him, she could imagine how hard it was going to be to convince him to give them money.

Suddenly another thought crossed Niyati's mind. What if Shikhar's brother agrees to give them money but He creates some problem in it as always? His men are always keeping an eye on her.

Niyati stood up suddenly. Why didn't she think of this before? His men always follow her. He knows everything. He must know what had happened. He must be knowing who kidnapped Ashu.

By the time Shikhar came back in the room Niyati was running towards the door.

" Niyati where are you going?"

Niyati did not bother to even look at Shikhar. She hastily wore her sandals and was out before Shikhar could ask any more questions.

Shikhar ran after Niyati. Where the hell would she be going in this situation? Had she found someone willing to give her such a huge amount? No way she knew anyone that rich. Shikhar started following Niyati.

Niyati had no idea she was being followed. She was lost in her own thoughts. What if He refuses to see her? No! she had to see him at any cost. She was ready to go to any extent to bring Ashu back. He was the solution to knowing what had happened to Ashu.

Niyati was running like crazy towards his office. Somehow she knew that He would know what had happened.

In all this chaos Niyati had forgotten one important thing.... If He agrees to give her information, what would he demand in return? Was she prepared to give him whatever He asks?

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