That Damn Toon

120 6 13

"Hm? What's this?"

There was a pie sitting on the table. Just sitting there. Randomly.

"Uh... anyone here?"

James was confused. He didn't remember baking any pie.

He picked it up.

But he regret doing so a second later.

The pie opened, and a gaint boxing glove came out of it, and pouded James into the ground.

James was lieing down on the ground, with the glove on him. He put his hands on it, and trew it one side. He new exactly who did this.


James saw a 2d Toon peep from behind the wall, looking at him. James annoyed, looked over at them, and they giggled. "Trickster why did you do this-"

"I can't believe you fell for that! You're such a fool!" Trickster laughed. James took a bit of the pie, and threw it at Trickster, who sequeled and ran away, but he smashed trough the wall, leaving an imprint of himself.

"That damn toon-" James said to himself.

Book: Trapped In Toon Town

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