Prototype Chapter for The Boy From Another Dimension

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"Man... I am beat-"

Daniel chugged backwards into the sheds, and reversed, right next to his friend Thomas. "Daniel! I'm so glad to see you!" Thomas exclaimed. Daniel smiled. "Me too Tom. Man, driving myself all the way to Manchester with Chris really drained me-"

Daniel could see that the other engines inside the shed where talking to each other. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh... we where just talking sharing our embarrassing experiences...and sad ones. We engines here talk about literally anything" Thomas chuckled. "You're right with that Thomas-" The red engine, with the number 5 on his tender, James, said. He looked at Henry. "So, Henry, share your most sad or embarrassing moment"

Henry sighed. "Well... it would have to be when I crashed with the flying kipper-"

"Yeah, that was unfortunate" Gordon said.

"What's yours James?" Henry asked.

"Uhh... I don't have one-"

"James, you where the one to come up with a sharing our experiences... share yours..." Edward said. "Uh... you first-" James said.

Edward rolled his eyes. "Well... it would have to be the time my side rods got stabbed up my side"

Daniel winced. "Dang..." He said. "How did your traction rods do that-"

"Crank pin broke..." Edward explained. "But... I pressed on. I didn't give up. If there's anything I learn from that incident... it's to never ever give up. So..." Edward looked at Daniel. "I know you're a kid in your human form... never give up little Daniel" He said. "I say that to Thomas a lot" He said.

"Thanks Dad" Thomas said rolling his eyes.

Daniel chuckled. "Thanks Edward. I won't"

Edward smiled, then looked at James. "James-?"

James looked over at Edward with a shocked looking expression. "H-hmm? Y-yes Edward?"

Edward sighed. "You're embarrassing or sad experience?"

"Ha! Oh right! Um..."

"Look, if you don't wanna talk about the time you crashed into those tank car-"

"Edward!" James yelled.

"Or the time I slowed you down after your breaks failed"

The look on James face, clearly spoke that he wished he could dissapear.

"Or the time you crashed into the back of Tidmoth sheds...or that one time you fell on your side because you let the trucks take you over-"

"That's enough Edward! Story time over!" James grunted then backed more into the sheds. Everyone laughed. Daniel was giggling at this. Hearing all the mess that James has gotten into sounded funny. Even more funny that he didn't want anyone to talk about it.

"Thomas has more embarrassing experiences than me" James. "Hey, don't you dare expose me now-" Thomas said. "Daniel shouldn't know about the day I nearly flew into the sky with a Jet Engine-" If Thomas had arms at this moment, he would of face palmed so hard his funnel would fly off of his smoke box. Daniel was intrigued into what Thomas was talking about. He giggled. "What's that about?"

"Nothing!" Thomas exclaimed. Gordon was sitting in his shed. He wasn't trying to be apart of the conversation, but he has to chuckle at how dumb Thomas was right now. "You dragged your tank engine self into this one Thomas." He said. Thomas blushed. James puffed a bit closer. "Tell him Thomas-"

"No... I won't"

"Fine... I will-"

"No! Don't embarrass me in front of Daniel!"

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