Plo koon padawan - he yells at you (request)

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Master plo koon was not his usual self today there had been on going battles back and forth, and many people were losing their lives and now the council was given more pressure towards one of their own. When you looked at your master you not longer saw the cheerful and wise master you once knew, you saw a men who was near close to breaking point and you did your best to help him.

Y/n " master I think you should get some rest you been awake to long I can take over from here until you are well once again"

Plo koon " now now padawan can't you see I have so much work to do I can't just rest like I'm child, I have important task to do"

Y/n " ......"

Plo koon " I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you padawan"

Y/n " it okay master I will take my leave now I have some task that need to be done" you soon walked away from your master you, knew he didn't mean to yell at you but it still hurt no matter what you just wanted to help him.

Wolfe " general she is right you have been up for many hours without rest or something to eat she was trying to look out for you"

Plo koon " I know commander I'm going to go after her and apologize for my actions" plo koon soon walked out of the commander room and found you, working on your starship.

Y/n " hello master"

Plo koon " padawan i came to say I'm sorry I shouldn't of yell at you like at you are right I do need it take a break"

Y/n " master it okay 8 understand you didn't mean to be rude and I know you been getting pressured by the council a lot now"

Plo koon " yes it true but maybe you and everyone are right I do need some sleep"

Y/n " I will take over the commander work and I will have Wolfe there to help me"

Plo koon " thank you young one" you soon saw your master walking into his room and close the door behind him, master plo koon had become like father to you and you were starting to worry about his health when it came to psychical and mental. Many young padawan like you and started worrying about there master when they become cold for weeks or months on end, and not rest of eating at much the Jedi could had yet to say anything about anything.

Back at commander room

Wolfe " commander how is the general"

Y/n " he is now resting but I sense something is the matter but I don't fully know yet, I had order two troopers to stand outside of his room and keep watching and listen if any happens"

Wolfe " kid I know you are worried about him we all are and he going to be okay"

Y/n " I know Wolfe but I feel like something coming after him and I'm not the only padawan, who feels something happening to their masters"

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