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[ Valentine ]

I spent the night at Anaela's only because the crew that came to clean up her apartment had taken so long. While we had waited, Anaela gave me the run down of all the things she knew mafia and gang related. She told me about her mother and her upbringing, what it took to stomach seeing people die, and a bunch of other important things.

I didn't know my brain could absorb so much information. She told me she'd teach me the rest as she learned from her mother, but in the meantime, I have paperwork to fill out. It was so that some members of her mafia could gain fake passports to exploit a crime ring. She said that not all criminals did bad things all of the time, she told me they work closer to the cops than any Chicago PD or CSI show could ever explain.

"I chose you to handle all of this for a reason, Valentine. Don't disappoint me or my family."

As I helped Anaela out, I worried about Dom, she was acting weird when I left. I need to spend time with that kid. She's always at home now, and she's sad about Keris and Teece. I can't have her slipping.

"By tomorrow I'm going to have Dom stationed somewhere else," I told Anaela. She was still the leader, and most decisions were joint decisions. "At least move her until after Pouty's gone," she told me. "Pouty? The pretty one, right?"

Anaela scowled, and I patted her little head. "I'm joking, I'm joking."

"How old are you even, again?" she placed her hands on her hips. "19," I told her, looking down at the little high schooler. "Hmph, when's your birthday?"

"Short term memory, huh?" I asked, moving a stack of papers to a crate. "I never even asked you that before," she scowled, "At least..I don't think so. Just tell me again," she stomped.

"You're so adorable when you're feisty," I commented, smirking down at her. "Do not baby me. We're literally three years apart, Valentine."

"April 23, 2001."

"Damn, oldie."

"So much for three years apart," I rolled my eyes. "I guess we should find somewhere for us to move," I said slyly. "We don't need the Hamilton family knowing where we stay. After Dom's gone, there's no more liabilities."

Anaela rose a brow at me, "First of all, yeen slick. Second of all, there are plenty of liabilities. Ariana, Reneah, Sierra, Siara," I chuckled when she said Sissy and Pouty's names back to back, "and so on."

"Well, keep them in safe houses," I shrugged.

"Look, these people have individual lives too, Valentine. This is all because of a mistake you made with your little whore," she told me.

"Well then don't get close to anybody," I turned around, glaring at her. "I'll remind you of that when you fall for me," she told me with a serious expression, breaking into a sick grin. I watched her head back to her room, angrily shoving papers into crates.

Anaela did choose the right person to lead her little gang, and I intend to be the only one.

"Teece," I whispered. "I'm gonna get us where we dreamed to be," I promised. Legs or no legs, walking on her own or not, hoes or no hoes- I was going to get us to wealth.

The next morning I got up before Anaela and went back to my house. I'm sure that the Hamilton family now knew that I had killed their little gift and they were probably onto bigger and better plans. I just had to move faster. I stopped by the hospital on my way back to the house.

"Teece," I rushed into her room.

She frowned, setting down her bowl of soup on the tray laid across her lap. "Is something wrong?"

"Keris' family sent someone after me over to Anaela's house to kill me. I killed her. If anybody comes to this hospital that you don't know, use this," I slipped her my gun. "I'll get another, just protect yourself. Anything that looks too sus to eat- don't ingest it," I told her quickly and quietly.

"Anaela, I know-

I cut her off. "I'm going to go check on Dom. Today's Friday right?" I asked. "Yeah, she checked her calendar across the room quickly with a scan of her eyes. "Okay, after today Dom will no longer be at my place. I'm getting my shit moved and I'm gonna try to convince shorty to move in with me. I have big plans, Teece."

"Wait, wait, wait. So you must have protection for sure from Anaela now, right?"

"Even better," I smirked, "I'm basically co-leader." Teece's eyes widened, "I'm gonna steal the gang right from under her little feet, and then kill her."

"Valentine, you're playing a dangerous game," she warned me. "I'm going to make her fall in love with me, then wipe her and her family out." I held my friend's hand, "Teece, we're going to make something for ourselves, with our own families."

"I got a lot of cousins in the streets but not that deep and high up, Valentine. I don't know if my people would even be for it," she said, looking at me concerned. "Well, we both have time to think about that. I'm going to go check on Dom and get her stuff packed up. Stay safe, bestie."

We did a fist bump and I parted ways.

Now, let me go have a chat with Dominique.

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