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{ Anaela }

I woke Pouty up at three, cleaned up the hotel room, and dropped her back off at her house. We were both mentally beat and dragging. I decided that all today I was going to sleep in until it was time to go to the club to celebrate Pouty's safe going to Russia, and Mayah's birthday.

I slipped back into bed, burying my face into the covers. I was almost asleep when my phone rung. It was Dominique. I grunted, and flipped over to grab my phone.

"Cherries on my titties, this is Anaela," I tiredly answered. "What type of greeting is that?" my friend asked. I could hear Valentine in the background, talking excitedly about something. "Hey, what you doing today?"

"Sleeping then going out. Your ID is still being processed, so stay in today, cause I know Valentine likes to speed and-

"Oh, uh, I'll stay in," Dom told me. I thought nothing of it, yawning. "Well, if you don't need anything I'm about to go to sleep."

Dom sighed a heavy sigh, like all of the weight in the world was on her shoulders. If only she knew the type of secrets and pressure I had to hold. She was lucky to have Valentine's support and to be offered this type of protection. If anything, working with Valentine and I should make her into a stronger woman.

"Well, I'll see you when I can. Just call or whatever when my ID is in," she said at last.


I hung up and buried my face into my pillows, immediately falling into a deep, dreamless slumber.

I heard loud knocks at my door and forced myself up. I slipped on my house shoes and looked out the peephole. I hadn't even bothered to check my phone to see if anybody had called regarding the club. It was Ariana and Reneah outside though.

"Hey," I opened the door.

"Girl, we been calling. Be ready in two hours. Reneah and I been helping Mayah move," Ria said stiffly, forcing a smile. She wa sprobably annoyed that I didn't answer her calls. She looked tired.

I frowned, more awake now. "Damn, first Pouty was moving, now Mayah. Didn't she just get here, she's already leaving? Unpacking, or what?" I asked, my brain cells still warming up.

"She's unpacking. Her family's been living in a hotel until the apartment was open. And guess what- she's in Pouty's old apartment." I smiled sadly, then my eyes widened. The night Pouty- I'm sorry, Siara and I had couldn't be forgotten.

"Well, all I gotta do is shower and throw something on. I don't feel like fem-ing it out tonight," I admitted. "I'll be done in about thirty minutes, tell Mayah that I'll be over there soon."

"Is Dom coming?" Reneah asked unsurely, then glanced at Ria's look of annoyance.

I shrugged, then shook my head quickly, coming to my senses. "She still has a lot of..private stuff going on," I told the two. "I'll walk over to Po- to Mayah's when I'm done. Just leave the door unlocked or something."

"Girl, we ain't no fools. Mayah'll get robbed the first night she there if we do that," Ria laughed curtly. I sighed, "Well..just let me in when I get there. I heard it's sposed to get hotter later on today," I told them. I closed the door and locked my own door.

I went back to my room and started looking through my closet. These days it seemed like more of my masculine side was oozing out. People probably wouldn't even know I was a stem anymore, but who really cared about labels? I know Sissy's a no label. That life must be nice.

I showered then I threw on an all black fit with a striped black shirt to add in some flavor. I put on my black Adidas and then grabbed a jacket to leave in whoever's car we went in. If the sun was fully out I'd be baking in all this black, but it's whatever. It might be cold somewhere and I still wanted my fit to match.

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