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Okay so I took an unplanned break from Wattpad for a LONG while and I didn't tell you and I feel like a horrible person and I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO so sorry.....?

I know. I suck.

Feel free to kill me, but first, let's change the subject so you'll hopefully forget about my wrongdoings and become distracted with...


...that I have finally finished.

Heh heh?


It was a normal Saturday morning, at least, at first. Nico fell out of bed, put on a sloppy pair of jeans, halfheartedly attempted at brushing his hair, dragged himself to breakfast, and then slouched over his scrambled eggs--the usual morning course. He was just about to get up and dump an offering into the braziers, when--

"Hey, Nico."

All of Nico's senses went on high alert. The mischievous sound of that voice, the smell of the ocean in that breeze where the body passed by him, the familiar presence of a someone that Nico knew very well.

Percy Jackson.

Nico flipped around. It had only been a few days since Nico had admitted his crush on Percy, and he was still wary. But then again, Percy's easygoing posture suggested that the son of Poseidon didn't particularly care all that much, which assured Nico. "What do you want?"

"Nothing." Percy plopped down on the bench next to Nico. Across the dining pavilion, Annabeth looked over, then gave them both a little half-smirk, half-grin. Nico didn't like the knowing glint in her eyes. They were definitely planning something.

Then, Jason Grace entered the scene. He sat down on the other side of Nico, also grinning. Nico debated whether he should make a run for it before things got too drastic. "Hey, Nico."

Nico put his head in his hands. "I know something's going on. What are you guys up to?"

"Nothing." both Jason and Percy replied in a frightening unison.

"Just tell me."

"Well..." Percy looked at Jason, and Jason looked at Percy. Something passed between them. Finally, Jason started talking.

"We heard you have a zombie chauffeur."

Nico tensed. "And..."

"And HOW COOL IS THAT?" The son of Jupiter slapped his hands down on the table surface. He looked like a dork in those glasses.


Percy leaned in. "When you have a chauffeur, what you really need is a limousine."

Nico leaned away. "What--"

Jason leaned in from the other side. "See, we all figured we would need a chance to celebrate, so Piper pulled some strings with her rich dad..."

Nico paled. "Y-you're not saying that you actually--"

Percy broke into a grin. "We actually did. No joke, I swear."

Nico stood up. "You're kidding."

"Come on, man!" Jason smiled. "Wanna go for a ride? Reyna, Hazel, Frank and Will are in on it too."

Nico was about to spontaneously combust. They had invited all his closest friends--and Will--to cruise around town in a limousine? What was this madness?

Percy Jackson & Heroes of Olympus Funny MomentsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt