But Imagine

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But imagine Jason picking up his newborn baby in his arms and flying around the house with it, making "zoom" noises, while Piper watches and laughs.

But imagine Hazel (finally rid of her curse) dressing her child in the cutest, fanciest jewelry, and looking spanking hot rich, and Frank strictly but passionately educating that kid on the ways of being a praetor.

But imagine Leo and Calypso both separately sneaking their child food from their shop, and denying it in front of each other while the child happily messes its face.

But imagine a night at the Jackson house; chaotic bath time with Percy and baby, then Annabeth reading the child book after book and staying up till midnight.

But imagine Will and Nico trying to adopt a kid. Just imagine.


My brain is literally about to combust. THAT DRESS CHANGES COLORS and its sorcery is killing my eyes.

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