Percy's Chore

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When it was time for chores on the Argo II, Percy always ended up being the one to wash the dishes. With reason. He was the one who could do it the fastest, if he didn't end up messing around with the soap and scattering dish water all over the floor.


Hehe. Well, I had an idea. I tried this with my sister once, and it ended up.... swell. The message is, give me three people, a time, and a place (nothing dirty guys o_O). Then I will write a short passage about it. [Example: Nico, Chiron and Calypso, on the moon, at midnight.] Idk how this will turn out, or if you dudes will even participate, but it will give me some inspiration. Thanks!

UPDATE: The request thing is now closed, at least until I catch up with my work. Any further requests will be postponed. Sorry guys, I'm just really busy! Hope you'll understand.

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