20 Facts

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Ok so I was nominated to do a 20 facts thing by the amazhang @oracle_of_delphi, so here it is!


1. I have like zero free time because of school, which annoys me to no end!!!

2. I hate math.

3. I am a proud ginger!!!! WE WILL RULE THE WORLD! MWAHAHAHA!!

4. My favorite number is 4. It always has been, even when I was a child (and I liked it even more after reading/seeing Divergent). To this day I still have no idea why it's my favorite, though.

5. I have never gotten stung or bitten by any harmful insect, save a mosquito.

6. Funny thing, a long time ago my buddy was writing a story, and I suggested to name the villain Mo Ski Toe.

7. I am very random (if you couldn't tell).

8. My most recent dream was in which I moved to Antarctica.

9. I have a pet unicorn named McFluffy that lives in my closet. He doesn't like it in there though, so he always bangs on the door. It freaks me out. Just imagine, in the middle of the night, some giant creature banging on your door. I'm telling you, it's creepy.

10. I should really be doing my homework now.

11. All my crushes are on fictional characters and celebrities. What is wrong with my life?

12. I love Italian food. A lot.

13. I once almost died of laughter, literally. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe. I was rolling around on the floor, without oxygen, tears streaming from my eyes. And then everyone started laughing at me, which only made it worse! I felt myself getting lightheaded, and knew I had to stop, but I just couldn't calm down. I was about to attempt screaming for help, but then it stopped.

14. I laugh at the stupidest, randomest things that normal people wouldn't find very amusing. And I can't stop.

15. There was once a spider that kept showing up in my bathroom and room for consecutive nights, then disappearing again (after i killed him). I named him Jeffrey. I haven't seen him in a while, but you never know when he could return...

16. I have a fear of dump trucks. Don't even ask.

17. I have been playing the violin ever since I was five years old. I also play volleyball and soccer/football. I also do archery.

18. Yup, I'm American.

19. I hate coffee and soda.

20. I am in the process of writing like a thousand books at a time. I've only finished one so far, and it's sort of in the process of being published. I'm not sure I want to publish it though, because...well.......I'm not satisfied with my work. I do that a lot. I'm kinda a perfectionist. And a Grammar Nazi. Ugh.


I nominate.....

@Dat_crazy_kid22 @brigittekasten @proyo345 @adarkrose9 @Rahgen17 @Think_inspiration

The end!

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