Crashing (Into) the Conference

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The small elderly woman entered the large Houston court room tentatively, clutching her bejeweled purse. She looked nervous and alone in the massive chamber.

"Go ahead, sit down." The other elderly woman said in a soothing voice, gesturing to the chair across from her. "I'm Tia Callida, and I will be your marriage counselor for today."

"I'm Rosa." The first woman introduced herself. "And thank you. Everything's been going wrong ever since my niece died." She talked with a heavy Spanish accent.

Tia Callida understood her words perfectly. "Is there anything more to the story?"

Before Rosa could reply, the roof exploded. Both ladies screamed as dust and plaster rained down on them, the occasional brick being hurled at their face. Only one of the two noticed that the destruction was caused by a colossal metal dragon, which had crashed and wedged itself in the ceiling.

A boy drunkenly stumbled out of the dust plumes, practically dragging another girl. The boy was cursing very heavily in Spanish, while the girl was cursing even heavier in Ancient Greek, which only one of the woman could detect, again.

Both elderly ladies were too stunned to speak. The boy swayed and leaned over on the table, clutching a bleeding wound on his head. He looked at Tia Callida. She recognized him, but he had not yet recognized her.

"It's ooookkkkkkkaaaaaayyy," he slurred. "Everything's going to be ooookkkkkaaaaayyy." He muttered something under his breath about being distracted and stupid bronze dragons.

The girl clawed her way to her feet. "Nothing's going to be okay, Leo. W-we have to go."

The boy, Leo, allowed himself to be lead out of the courtroom, insisting to the girl that "it was a mistake" and "I got excited". He was too shaken up to notice that the two women, still in shocked silence, were his old aunt Rosa and his babysitter, Tia Callida.
Both ladies noticed him, though. After the two left the room, Rosa promptly fainted. Tia Callida just smiled.


Hey, people, guess what my mom found out? A Catholic pope named Pope Leo has his feast day today. On my birthday.





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