Commencing Blood of Olympus Countdown in 1...

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[Wattpad has censored the freak-out part for the reader's own good]

[Wattpad would also like to personally take blame for the devious shenanigans it is performing on Audrey's account because she is having issues with Wattpad and throwing angry rampage fits because of it. :)]


So a while back, @Demigodpipermclean requested for me to write a story of how I was introduced to the Percy Jackson series for her book or something. I said I would, then completely forgot about it (sorry!). I'll admit, it does get annoying when people constantly ask me to read their stories or whatever (not pinning this on anyone), but I do try to actually do request and I thought that this one was cool. Later, I remembered it and decided to write it, but I was starting my BoO countdown. I thought: wouldn't it be awesomer if I put the biography at the end for a sort of ensemble feel?

Well guess what I did and guess what here it is:


My Amazing Discovery of the PJO Books

I was in third grade, just beginning my epic realization that I was a reader. Books were my thing, and I was hungry for knowledge. One day, I decided to ask my friend what to read, based on the books that she was reading. At that time, she was halfway through The Sea of Monsters.

I had narrowed my choices down to Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Harry Potter. My friend told me to read Percy Jackson, and that it was WAY better (Later I read Harry Potter; it's just as good). So I checked out The Lightning Thief at my school library.

I'll be completely honest: when I first started reading the book, I let it sit on my nightstand for a week. It just didn't seem appealing to me: there was hardly little action or adventure in the beginning.

Then, one night I got bored. I picked up the book and began to read it, right at the part where it got good.

Then I couldn't stop.

My mom was constantly trying to peel me away from my reading, but I just ignored her. It was like I was in a whole other world one I really got into that book. My friend was on The Titan's Curse, and I quickly caught up. Before long, I had finished the whole series before her! Those books were the high point of my life.

Then, I had yet another downfall. Being an oblivious little kid, I didn't go on Twitter or Tumblr and read Rick Riordan's news. I had no idea that behind my back, he was publishing a sequel series to my favorite books of all time.

I was in fourth grade when I saw an advertisement for The Son of Neptune. I was like: AHHHH! WHERE HAVE I BEEN LIVING THESE PAST YEARS?

I quickly read the advertisement, and saw that The Lost Hero was first in the Heroes of Olympus series. I knew that I would get my hands on that book if it was the last thing I did. Luckily, my school had it at the library. How did I not see it?

I finished The Lost Hero in two days, and hungered for more. I was also impressed that I finished a four-hundred something page book in two days; I was only just a fourth grader. It was a new record for me.

The plot in TLH wasn't what I was used to, but I was very impressed, and hooked from the start. The race to find Percy was on!

Also luckily, my friend (the same one) owned The Son of Neptune, which the school library didn't carry. She had read it, but hadn't read TLH first. (Which I enforced her to do later) The good thing- she agreed to let me borrow it.

One weekend was all it took to read. I was SO hooked by then, slowly devoting my entire life to Rick Riordan's books. But sadly, Mark of Athena was nowhere.

It was a year later when I finally got the opportunity to read the third Heroes of Olympus book. A very nice friend (not the same one) lent me MoA. I was ecstatic.

Guess how long it took me to read? Two days. AGAIN. But when it was over, I was in pure AGONY. What the flip had just happened to Percy and Annabeth? What was going on? My life was ending.

The next year, I bought The House of Hades. Overjoyed to continue my favorite series, I opened the book.....

And finished in a few hours on a school day. A very painstakingly beautiful heartbreaking few hours. By then, my obsession was running frighteningly deep.

As a normal teenager, I got on this thing called "The Internet". Pretty weird name, right? Anyways, a few months later, I had learned all I needed to know about the PJO/HoO fandom.

I then fell into the Bottomless Pit of obsession. I still am in here today, desperately trying to find my way back up. Being in the fandom is so important to me that it has become an essential way of life. I really really don't want it to end!

I'm just glad that I have others to talk to about it though. I've inspired many friends to read the books, and my sister too. My cousin and other friend (who know who they are) have become addicted like me, and joined Wattpad to write fanfiction. I sometimes draw fanart, but I don't like people to see it because there are way better artists than me. I am unhealthily obsessed, and I think that it will go on for a long time.

But it's been a blast. I can't believe how far I've come! Since we'll all be dying very soon, here's to the Internet, Rick Riordan, and amazing fandom!

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