Beach Night

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Requested by @Tamagotchifart: Reyna, Nico, and Octavian, beach night.


"Hey." said Nico, as he sat down next to Reyna.

Reyna pulled her eyes from the colorful display of fireworks above. "Uh, hi."

Nico sat down uncomfortably next to her, staring at the waves lapping against the beach instead of the fireworks in the sky. "Sorry, I one really looked like they needed me. Is it okay if I sit next to you?"

Reyna shifted her position. "Nico, the war's over. People do need you. I'm tired of seeing you sulk around instead of having fun. Don't be so hard on yourself all the time. And yes, you can sit by me."

It was true: the war was over. The Romans and Greeks had united in the end to stop Gaea. Meanwhile, Nico was just growing more distant from everyone. He and Reyna had conversed a little on their mini quest, but he was always so guarded and gloomy. She didn't know what to do.

The Hephaestus and Vulcan children had worked together to make a celebratory fireworks display in honor of defeating Gaea. It was very impressive. Glowing images of people an places flashed in the sky above. There were many ooohs and ahhhs, but the son of Hades remained quiet.

"Nico, I want to be your friend. Lots of people want to be your friend. But you can't feel welcome if you keep pushing everyone away."

Nico scowled. "I don't belong with friends. If you knew the truth about me, you probably wouldn't want to be my friend."

Reyna wondered what secrets he was keeping. Maybe if she gave him a sugar cube, he would tell her. [A/N: I just had to put that :P] Before she could reply though, a hissing voice was whispering in her ear.

"Reyna. The Greeks are unsuspecting now. If we attack them, we could catch them off guard."


That was the final straw. Reyna had HAD it. She was sick and tired of all this Romans VS Greeks drama, and so over with the war. All Reyna had wanted was a simple fireworks display, a chance to be normal, a chance for her to let loose, where she wasn't constantly being pressured.

She was about to scream in fury, but bit her tongue. She grabbed the augur by his collar and pulled him in close.

"Listen, Octavian." She hissed like a snake. "The. War. Is. Over. We are friends with the Greeks. I am friends with the Greeks. Everything is peaceful, we are not attacking, so why can't you get it through your thick, bony, scarecrow head!" Reyna shoved him on the sand. "Sit down and shut up. I've had enough of you."

Nico put his hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, Reyna."

"I can't." Reyna said. "I just....ugh." She put her face in her hands.

"Look." Nico gulped. She guessed he didn't have a lot of experience in comforting people. "What you said is true: the war's over. You're right, we should probably just relax and watch the fireworks. I'll deal with Octavian later."

"Seriously, bro?" Reyna said with a grin. "That's awesome."

Nico narrowed his eyes and scowled, seeing that Reyna had seen through what he had just said. He gritted his teeth. "Sure, what are friends are for?"

Reyna laughed so loud people gave her strange looks. "Go take the criminal to prison, friend. I want him out of my sight."

Octavian, still sprawled on the beach shrunk back in fear. "W-what?"

Nico grabbed his arm. "You're coming with me, criminal. By my friend's orders."

Reyna smiled as she watched Nico drag Octavian off into the night. Maybe the dark mysterious son of Hades did have a happy, joking side after all.


I wanted to put in some Reyna bad@ssery and Reyna/Nico friendship. I want them to be friends. A lot.

Anyways, I have an important announcement to make: me and @proyo345 are writing a story together. It's called Demigod Refugees, and I order you to check it out. It's @proyo345's first story, and he needs to be acknowledged.

So yeah. I'll try to get another update in soon. Sayonara!

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