Jules Albert

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Hades: Most of my children don't get happy endings, or a normal life.

Hades: I want Nico to be an exception.

Hades: I want him to have a somewhat normal life.

Hades: ...

Hades: ...

Hades: ...

Hades: Imma get him an undead skeleton chauffeur.

Hades: ...

Hades: With a French accent.


Imagine Nico, Reyna, Will, Jason, Percy, Hazel and the rest of the people associated with Nico getting in his limousine and cranking the speakers up to full blast, death-metal-screaming along to the song, cruising through Manhattan at 100 miles per hour and scaring the crud out of the drive-thru woman at McDonald's.

I think I might write this.

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