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WARNING: Stupidity is present in the following text.


The war was finally over, and the seven half bloods plus Reyna, Nico and Coach Hedge had gathered in the Big House to celebrate.

"Cheers to us!" Percy said. He raised his wine glass filled with blue Coke.

Everyone else cheered and raised their glasses.

"Man, I'm so happy, I could dance!" Leo exclaimed.

"Haha, me too!" Percy replied. "I bet I'm a better dancer than you though."

Leo gasped. "No. Way. I am the supreme dancer. No one can amount to my excessive danciness just radiating from my dance-born body."

"Big words, Leo." Annabeth muttered.

"Well, sure you can dance, but no one can beat my singing skills!" boasted Coach Hedge.

"I would beg to differ." Piper said.

"Hey, I can sing too!" Percy said. "I can sing, dance, even play the ukelele!"

Leo stood up. "I can sing in Spanish!"

Percy stood up and challenged him. "I can sing in fish!"

Leo narrowed his eyes. "I can sing in Morse Code."

Annabeth groaned. "Leo, you can't sing in Morse Code, it's-"

"SHHHH! Shun the nonbeliever!" Leo replied.

"I can do the Gangham Style." Jason said.

"I can do the MacaREYNA." Reyna said.

"I can do the Cupid Shuffle." Nico said.

Dead silence.

Frank stood and broke the silence. "Okay, it's on now. We have to have a singing and dancing competition."

"Yes!" Hazel leaped up. "Anyone who doesn't want to dance can judge."


The dancers were Percy, Leo, Piper, Frank, Jason, Reyna, and Hedge. Annabeth, Hazel, and Nico were the judges (because apparently Nico had decided against doing the Cupid Shuffle).

Going first was Piper. She was singing the song, "What Makes You Beautiful".

The music started. The ten had borrowed Chiron's boom box, and plugged it into the wall.

Piper stood on the steps, using the elevation as a stage. She began to sing along with One Direction. "You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh! That's what makes you beautiful!"

Her voice was pretty decent, and so was her dancing. All eyes turned towards the three judges, seated at the Ping Pong table.

Annabeth held up an eight. Hazel gave Piper a seven, and from Nico she got a six.

"Beat that, suckers!" Piper bragged and climbed down.

Next was Frank. He looked pretty nervous, but not too nervous to chicken out. The music started.

"Hey, I know that song!" Leo exclaimed.

"Shut up." Frank murmured. Then he realized he missed his cue. "Oh. WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY? RIGDINGDINGDADING!"

By the end of the song, everyone was in hysterics. Annabeth scored Frank as a six, from Hazel he got a nine, and Nico held up a four.

"I don't like that song very much." Nico stated. "Next!"

Coach Hedge stepped up to the makeshift stage. He looked completely serious and ready to win, so they were all surprised when the tune of "Old McDonald" sprung out of the boom box.

While Coach Hedge sang, he mimicked the movements of stabbing, shooting, and killing an invisible character. "Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on that farm he had a satyr, E-I-E-I-O! And a DIE DIE here and a KILL KILL there, here a slay, there a murder, everywhere a lot of blood! Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-"

"ENOUGH!" Everyone yelled. The judges were furiously scribbling away. Everyone was covering their ears and groaning.

Annabeth gave Hedge a four. From Hazel he received a five, and from Nico he got a one.

"But that was the best singing of the century!" Coach complained. "You'll pay for that!"


It was Jason's turn. He stepped up to the stage, but before he could start singing anything, a brick flew through the window and knocked him out.

"Why does this always happen?!" Piper shouted. She picked up the brick, hurled it back outside the window, and took her boyfriend to the infirmary.

Jason got twos from everybody. Two for participation.

Then Reyna stepped up. She had on a determined face. The music started up.

Reyna was a great dancer, but she sang the lyrics to "MacaREYNA" too fast. Still though, everyone was too afraid to give her a bad score.

Annabeth rewarded her with an eight. Hazel and Nico both gave her sevens.

Reyna sighed, dissatisfied. "But that song was made for me! It even has my name in it!"

No one replied.

Percy came next. He was singing the song "Bubble Guppies".

Percy's singing was horrible, but his dancing was amazing. He leaped around the stage with agile grace and did all the perfect moves.

After it was over, everyone waited to see the judges reactions. Nico gave him a seven, Hazel gave him a nine, and surprisingly, Annabeth gave him a zero.

"What?" Percy gasped, flabbergasted. "But I was great!"

"Yes, and your song attracted a whole bunch of fish. Now it stinks in here." She replied, gesturing out the window where a whole bunch of fish and sea creatures had crawled their way onto land, just to listen to Percy's song. Now about a hundred dead fish were lying out in the heat, smelling like dirty gym socks and garbage.

"What the heck?!" Percy said. He glanced outside. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT THE FISHES!"

Percy hurriedly scooped them all up and ran back to the ocean to dump them back in. He returned ten minutes later, panting like crazy, but holding a thumbs up.

"Good news." He said between breaths. "They're alive. Extremely unhealthy, contaminated and polluted, but alive."

Everyone looked at Percy weird.

"Okay then. My turn." Leo said. He grinned and stepped up onto the stage. The music started, and Leo began singing.


Suddenly, the door was flung open. In the doorway stood a tall girl with a braid, aiming a notched bow at Leo's face.

"That is my song!" The girl said. "Who are you and why are you stealing my song?!"

Leo was frozen in place. "Um-uh-"

Annabeth perked up. "Are you Katniss Everdeen?"

The girl narrowed her eyes. "How do you know? Did Snow's minions tell you? Are you Capitol citizens?"

They all awkwardly backed away slowly. The judges held up all zeroes.

I think that was the most craziest weirdest funniest randomest thing I've ever written. But I like it.

Percy Jackson & Heroes of Olympus Funny MomentsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя