Commencing Blood of Olympus Countdown in 8...

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For number EIGHT, I want to sit down and have a nice, long, argumentative debate about the Percy Jackson movies.

We've all heard it before: how much they forgot to put in, how much the actors stunk, how much the stupid director refused to read the book, and how the movies sucked in general. But what I hate most are people who actually like them, and they did bother to read the books and thought the books were bad.

I'm telling you, if there's one thing I hate in this world, it's a person who hates the PJO books and loves the PJO movies. I just can't believe it! How could anyone possibly like the movies?! Besides completely screwing up the book, the movies also had other numerous errors to add to the pile. I think that the director was just trying to make some quick bucks by selling it. I also hate how it got really popular, and most people who didn't read the books loved it.

I was very thankful when Logan Lerman announced a while back that they would not be making a third movie. It was kind of disappointing, but they really messed up. I just want the director to go back, read the freaking book, and start all over with better PJO movies. I mean, he's obviously a great director (the same one who directed the first Harry Potter movie), it's just the lack of reading.

Many problems in this world exist because of lack of reading.


Is this countdown sounding too ranty? I'm probably just in a slight bad mood because I got braces and found out that I'm prohibited to eating my FAVORITE FOODS OF ALL TIME. It sucks.

So everyone, have a nice day, avoid spoilers, don't worry too much, and try not to die with anticipation. Sayonara!

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