New Rome

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Requested by @APocketofSunshine: Percy, Annabeth and Reyna in New Rome.


(Takes place about a year after the Giant War)

The sun shone high in the sky, baking the streets of the city. It was extremely hot, but Percy didn't mind. Yeah, he was probably sweating so badly that he had started to stink, and Annabeth was getting grossed out holding his hand, but as long as Percy was with her, he was content.

"Look at the architecture!" Annabeth marveled with wide eyes, pointing to a pillared building. She excitedly scanned the streets, taking in the landscaping.

Reyna, their tour guide, smiled. "That's the Senate."

"I know." Annabeth said dreamily. "It's beautiful."

Percy snorted. To her, this was probably like an amusement park. He had seen all these buildings and places before, when he had attended Camp Jupiter briefly. But it was kind of satisfying impressing your girlfriend. He didn't get to do that often.

Annabeth shoulder bumped him. "Come on, Seaweed Brain. You know that I love architecture, so deal with it!"

Percy laughed. "By all means, carry on!"

Annabeth rolled her eyes as Reyna smirked. "Continuing my commendation, over here is the Garden of Bacchus, my personal favorite spot."

"I've been here before." Annabeth commented. "Isn't it great, Percy?"

Percy let out a loud guffaw. "Yeah, just look at Mr. D!" He pointed at the half naked statue of the wine god. "Whoever sculpted that sure had their facts straight!"

"What?" Reyna asked, looking offended. "What does Ba-Dionysus look like on the Greek side?"

"If the artist had actually seen the god in real life, instead of that, there would be a fat old dude wearing a leopard print shirt with a can of Diet Coke." Percy remarked. "Now that wouldn't be a very becoming image."

"I have to agree." Annabeth affirmed.

Reyna shook her head. "You Greeks are strange."

"Speak for yourself." Percy accused.

She groaned and continued the tour. The three strolled under the shade of low hanging trees, avoiding the sun. It was too warm for hot chocolate, but Reyna insisted they were treated to a snack. So they took a break to dine.

Afterwards, the trio continued the tour. They saw the Circus Maximus, the coliseum, and Neptune's temple/shrine. They briefly glanced at the Temple of Jupiter, but didn't go in because Octavian was having a stuffed animal bonfire, either chanting the lyrics of an ancient poem, or a dirty rap song.

They continued on.

As Percy, Annabeth and Reyna neared the college campus, Annabeth got excited again. Percy and his girlfriend had already made some plans to go to the college together in the fall.

"Oooh, what are the classes?" Annabeth asked.

Reyna listed off multiple majoring classes, which Percy was too bored to listen to. He figured he should have, but he didn't quite know what his speciality was. Marine biology? Greek mythology? Maybe surfing? Percy had never surfed before, save a few hasty retreats riding a wave, but he assumed it would be cool.

A statue of Terminus waved from the Pomerian line. Julia, his helper, performed cartwheels across the lawn. Percy clapped for her, and she beamed. He still remembered her saying: "I want to be Percy Jackson when I grow up." At the time, Percy had joked about it. Who wanted to be a stressed out ADHD demigod, always in chaotic scenarios?

But if Percy had the chance, he would stay how he was. Besides, if he wasn't a half blood, he probably wouldn't have met Annabeth.

Annabeth pointed at a tall building. "Are those the apartments?"

"Yep." Reyna informed. "The veterans and retired demigods live there. It's completely safe 24-7." She gazed off into the distance nostalgically. "Soon, when I retire from the legion, I want to live there. Go to college. Meet someone. Start a family." She smiled.

Percy's eyes drifted to Annabeth's. She inhaled and a smile dominated her face. Percy raised his eyebrows, blushing a little. Annabeth gave a tiny nod and squeezed his hand.

And in that moment when the silent agreement passed through the two, Percy felt he could just die happy right there. But if he died, he knew he wouldn't get the chance to spend the rest of his life with the girl he loved.


Look, maybe I wanted to be a half blood.



I hope the last chapter of Blood of Olympus goes sort of like this. *tear falls from eye* It would be a good way to end the series.

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