The Huntress Returns

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Requested by @Castellanluke: Zoë, Piper and Hazel on Olympus, midday.


"So this is Olympus." Hazel stated as she stepped out of the elevator onto the 600th floor. She gazed up at the mountain looming above her and Piper. It was beautifully picturesque, gleaming like gold and silver in the afternoon light.

"Yup." Piper said, popping the p.

It was a short time after the war, and the two had gone on a little girls' day out- on Olympus. Being Roman, and from the 20th century, Hazel had never actually been to New York or Manhattan. The big city was a little intimidating and overwhelming, but she enjoyed to look at it and think: Because of me, all these people are still alive. I am a true hero.

"Come on, I want to show you the throne room." Piper said, a little giddily. She pointed to the majestic Greek temple at the top of the mountain, marking the throne room of the gods.

On the way up, they passed multiple shops and stores. Dryads and nymphs waved to them, and minor gods smiled. Piper and Hazel were practically famous in the Greek/Roman mythology world.

The throne room was just as amazing as Hazel had suspected. It was marked by two giant stone statues of Jupi- Zeus and Hera. But the Hera one had a large crack in it. Hazel wondered where that had come from.

"Just look at it." Piper dreamily said, marveling in the beauty of the gods' throne room. It was a large circular chamber with twelve assorted chairs ringing the perimeter, facing inside. Each chair was about ten feet tall though, which was a little strange. In the corner sat a grand fish tank where a cow-mermaid creature was swimming happily. In another corner, a hearth burned bright.

"This is wonderful." Hazel exclaimed.

"Isn't it?" Piper agreed happily.

"So you've been here before?"

The daughter of the love goddess blushed a little. "Only once for a brief visit, over the winter when we were still at Camp Half Blood, building the Argo II. Actually, my trip was kind of unexpected-"

Hazel crossed her arms and grinned. "Let me guess: your mom."

She groaned. "Yeah. But hey, that's private business!"

"I know." said a voice.

The two girls whirled around. Hazel was sure the throne room had been empty a second ago. Who could have entered without the demigods seeing them first?

Slowly, a girl came into view. She was standing at the foot of a tall silver chair, probably Artemis's. Her image was blurred and transparent, as if she had stepped right out of a television. The girl had ebony skin and long dark hair. She wore a hunting parka with a slim circlet of silver around her forehead.

"Can thee see me?" The girl asked warily, looking over her shoulder as if there was someone there. "Is it working?"

Another voice came through, but it wasn't the girl's. It was a low male's, sounding far away. "It should be working, Zoë. Can you see them?"

The girl- Zoë- turned back to face Hazel and Piper, who were stunned. Her form flickered on and off, like she was see-through living static. "I see them."

"Um, hi..." Hazel said, trailing off. "Who are you?"

Zoë leaned forward, straining to hear. "Zoë Nightshade."

"It's like a physical video conference." Piper noted. "Zoë, Where are you calling from?"

"The Underworld." Zoë explained. Her voice caught in many places, sounding robotic and far off. She blurred out for a second, then came back into focus and turned around to look at the nonexistent person behind her. "Beckendorf, will thou make sure the connection is good enough?" She said with an ordering tone.

"Yeah." The male's voice said, coming through the other end of the line. "Here, let me-"

Zoë then completely disappeared for a second, but came back into focus sharper than ever. "There. Much better."

"So, what are you doing in the Underworld? And why are you here?" Hazel questioned.

"I'm dead." Zoë put it bluntly. "But I wanted to see the new heroes, so I had a son of Hephaestus down here make a video call. Is thy image clearer?"

"Yeah, we can see you fine." Piper assured. "Who exactly are you?"

Zoë took a deep breath, sounding a little funny coming from a video. "I am the ex-lieutenant of The Hunters of Artemis. I believe Thalia took my place." She paused, sounding a little sad. "How did the Hunters do in the war?"

"They were awesome." Hazel said, smiling. "Them and the Amazons really hit it off."

Zoë's expression grew a little brighter. "Is- is Lady Artemis here?"

"No, but we could get her." Piper said.

"That's fine. I do not wish to trouble thee. Just tell Artemis this: I am still serving her down in the Underworld. She-"

Zoë's image crackled, her voice fading out. When she came back again, she looked panicked. "He says my time is almost up. I have to leave soon, or monsters will surround the Empire State Building."

"We'll tell Artemis what you said!" Hazel raised her voice in case Zoë couldn't hear her.

"Thank you." The Huntress smiled genuinely. "Congratulations on winning the war. I will see you again some day. Thee will become good friends of mine." Static filled her voice. "Just look up in the stars."

And then she was gone.

Percy Jackson & Heroes of Olympus Funny MomentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora