On The Moon

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~No spoilers in this, by the way~

Requested by @dragonsnout: Nico, Calypso and Chiron on the moon at dawn.


"WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!" a voice broke through Nico's consciousness, loud and angry. He groaned, only half awake.

Suddenly, he was being shook like crazy. Nico jerked up, finding himself curled in a ball, asleep on a hard, grimy surface. A girl was leaning over him, rapidly shaking him awake.

"Who-what-where-" Nico stuttered, taking in the new surroundings. He moaned in pain, clutching his head. Waves of vertigo assaulted his body. Where in Hades was he?

The girl leaning over Nico was slender and pretty, but her eyes were smoldering with an intimidating fury. She clenched her teeth. "Good. Now that you're awake, can you tell me where the- she let loose some colorful words- am I?"

Nico shook his head, blinking. "I-I-I don't even... How is this possible?"

Above and around them spread a oily black sky, dotted with bright dots: stars. The ground was rough and uneven, spanned with hundreds of depressions. Everything was gloomy, like the world was encased in shadows. Nico blinked again, drawing the spots out of his eyes. What was this place?

"Well how am I supposed to know?!" The girl shouted, irately throwing her hands in the air. "One second I was tending to my garden, the next I'm here with you!"

"And me." A new voice said, ringing through the darkness. Out of the void stepped a centaur, someone that Nico actually recognized. It was Chiron, Camp Half Blood's activities director. He was wearing a sleeping mask and had curlers in his tail. "I was just calmly putting in my curlers, then I woke up snoozing on the bare ground. It appears we have a predicament."

The girl stood up. "Okay, first of all, who are you two?"

"Chiron." said Chiron.

"Nico." said Nico.

"And I'm Calypso." said Calypso.

Nico propped himself up into a sitting position, looking around. He was too afraid to stand for fear of collapsing like a lifeless rag doll. What had he been doing before he had woken up here? The last thing he remembered was playing a few rounds of Mythomagic with Frank and Jason, then shadow traveling away to take a short nap...

Chiron's tail blustered in the nonexistent wind. He straightened, examining their surroundings. About fifty meters away, a limp USA flag was stuck into the gritty soil, half hidden in the gloom along with others. And in the sky, just out of Nico's line of sight, a manifest sphere hung, being illuminated by a blinding white disk. The sun, Nico realized.

In a shaky voice, he said, "I-Is that E-Earth? Are we in space? O-on the moon?"

Calypso screamed in madness, making Nico jump. "WHAT DO THE GODS WANT FROM ME?!" she cried, sinking to her knees.

Chiron shook his head, turning away from the sky. "It appears we have a fairly large predicament." he said in an uneasy voice.

"No Styx." Nico mumbled, curling back into a ball and closing his eyes. Maybe if he went back to sleep, he would wake up in his rightful place. If that didn't work, he couldn't shadow travel that far; all the way back to Earth. The three were doomed to die.

"We're all dead." Calypso sighed.

"No Styx." Nico repeated, curling himself into a fatal position, ready for the impending death.

TO BE CONTINUED.....maybe.


Sorry if that sucked, I'm just really tired. I might continue this story sometime later in my one shots book. I'm having slight time-management issues/procrastination problems, but thanks for the fun request! Bye for now, I guess. Love you guys!

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