Blackjack Meets Monster Donut (This Cannot Be Good)

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One time when Percy was flying over a random Monster Donut shop on Blackjack, Blackjack took one glance at the store and immediately did a nosedive straight into a group of hydras. Percy had to fight every single one of them off while Blackjack raided the store. Afterwards, Percy collapsed in pain from poison and acid. Blackjack flew him to Camp Half Blood to heal him, but he was too hyper to do much. Eventually, Blackjack dropped him in a lake on the way there and didn't even notice. When Percy woke up three hours later staring at a fish, he wondered what had happened. Meanwhile, Blackjack was stashing extra donuts around his stable and going on a record setting sugar rush.

I can totally see this happening in the books. This needs to happen.

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