Commencing Blood of Olympus Countdown in 2...

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T-t-two d-days l-l-l-left

T-two days l-left

Two days left


*breathing heavily* The day after tomorrow is when our lives end. The fandom is wild and rabid now. I can't even describe the surge of emotions that are bouncing around like pinballs on the inside of my body. I think I'm gonna puk-


All better now :) So, onto the countdown! All this fandom really needs is a big hug right now. We've lasted this long through Rick's torture, and I know that we can make it. The Blood of Olympus will break us, but hopefully we will live.

Who am I kidding? We're all dead meat.

I am really proud of our accomplishments though. Just look at all the amazing artists that have dedicated their time to doodling PJO. Look at all the bloggers who have dedicated their time to blogging PJO. Look at all the writers who have dedicated their time to writing about PJO. We're a very disorderedly maniacal fandom, but we're also strong individuals who have had their hearts broken numerous times, but we refuse to give up. We've journeyed through the adventures, laughs and tears. These books have become our lives.

When people ask me what I like to do for fun, reading is my top priority on the list. They will smile and say, "That's nice, Audrey." (or more commonly they'll shake their heads and go, "Oh, Audrey."). But most are completely oblivious to the multiple hours I spend writing and going online; stalking books. I am a proud member of this fanatic domain, even though it doesn't show on the outside. Most of my friends don't understand what it means to be a fangirl/fanboy.

Tomorrow, I will share my (requested and long awaited) personal journey through finding these books, and being introduced to the marvelous world of reading. It's been a good time with you guys. I'm actually fairly new to Wattpad, but I've almost hit a hundred followers, and it's making me all emotional. Thanks so much, awesome readers. You're the best.

• •




That smiley was an epic fail. Ignore it.


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