Festus Lives 2

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"What was that noise?" Wondered a startled camper.

"I have no idea." Replied the other one.

The two campers continued to go on with their night, until they heard a strange rustling in the bushes.

"Okay, I'm gonna go see what that is." stated the first camper. He stepped outside their tent and looked around. At first, he saw nothing. All was quiet. Then a sound like metal scraping echoed through the forest.

The second camper came out of the tent. They were shaking with terror.

Suddenly, a giant headless metal dragon burst through the woods. It had numerous dents in its side, like someone had crash landed it (cough hence cough). The dragon spilled oil everywhere, and where it's head was supposed to be were sparking wires jutting out.

"AHHHHHH!" The campers screamed as the dragon headed straight for them.

Okay this story is creeping me out

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