Chapter Thirty Four

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hello there my lovelies. i'm sorry i haven't updated in awhile but I've been really busy. so this will probably be a short chapter idk i love you all okay enjoy. bTW IM LISTENING TO FETUS SONGS RIGHT NOW IM GONNA STAB MYSELF. PICTURE ABOVE GIVES ME MAJOR FUCKIN FEELS OKAY.

**Rylie's POV***

I was sitting on the plane heading back home while Niall was asleep and I was clutching my tummy.

I heard everything the morning Niall and his mother were speaking. I was walking down the stairs to ask Niall where the Q-tips were and stopped because I heard them talking about me. About me being pregnant...

I am scared shitless. Niall and I used protection I know we did. I remember him putting it on and taking it off afterwards then throwing it in the trash. I haven't talked to Niall about it. He doesn't know that I over heard him and his mothers conversation. Every morning I've been having episodes of puking. (Morning sickness.) I have been moody and more hungry. Maybe it is just my period starting soon. Maybe. I don't know.

I sighed and leaned my head back on the seat. I looked over at Niall who was snoring slightly with parted lips. I pursed my lips at him while analyzing his face. Then I looked down to my tummy and rubbed softly.

This can't be real. This can't be happening. I am not pregnant. I can't be pregnant.

How would Dad take the news if I told him i was pregnant? How would Liam feel? Oh god how would Liam feel? I need to stop I'm only worrying myself. I just need to sleep. Maybe sleep will help. I tried to get comfortable but I had way too much on my mind to sleep. I can't handle all this pressure. What if I was pregnant? Would I be a good mother? Would Niall even be ready and okay with being a father? How are the fans going to react to this?

I can't stop worrying.


We made it home at six a.m. I was tiredly pulling suitcases out of the back of a taxi car as Niall did the same. We waved at the cab driver and he smiled and drove away. I walked up to the front door and knocked. I yawned and layed my head on Niall's shoulder. The door opened a few minutes later revealing a messy haired Liam rubbing his neck.

"Hello- Oh! You guys are back!" Liam said excitedly once he realized it was us. I smiled at him. Liam helped us bring our things inside and set them down.

"Hey can I crash here for a bit? I'm too tired to drive back my place." Niall said to Liam. Liam accepted and kissed my for head then headed back to his room.

"Liam? Where's Dad?" I said as he was halfway up the stairs.

Not turning around he said, "Asleep in the spare bedroom."

"Has the trash been out at all while Niall and I were gone?" I blurted out. Niall and Liam both gave me a puzzled look.

"Eerm? No... I don't think so. I think trash goes tomorrow though. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering. Go back to bed Liam, love you." I faked a smiled and he sort of furrowed his eyebrows and chuckled while shaking his head. "You're so weird." Finally he walked into his bedroom and I headed up myself, Niall behind me.

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