Chapter Fourteen

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Hello my fellow readderrrsss. c: I'VE MISSED YOU SO DAMN MUCHHHH. 

Anyways sorry i the last chapter sucked its because i haven't updated in a while so it was just a quik one ya know?

so i hope this one will be 10 timees beeettterr

holy shit i don't know how to type today lol.




*Liam POV*

I started to get impatient, Niall was taking way to long and me and the boys all wanted to go see Rylie. 

"Dr. Collins?" I said 

Dr. Collins turned around and raised his eyebrows. "Yes?" 

"Can the rest of us just go in there, please?" I begged.

"Go ahead." Dr. Collins smiled and walked away with his daughter. I looked over to Harry who was eyeballing Dr. Collins daughter.

I rolled my eyes and laughed to myself. Harry waved to her and blushed. She returned the favor by giggling and waving back while smiling.

We all walked in to Rylie's hospital room Zayn pushed back the curtain. We walked right into Rylie and Niall kissing. 

My eyes went wide and i walked to them and pushed them apart.

"HEY. HEY. HEY. KNOCK IT OFF YOU TWO!" I said pointing my fingers at Niall and Rylie. 

Niall and Rylie both laughed.

"Naughty, naughty, children" I said under my breath.

Niall stepped back for me and the boys to greet Rylie. 

"Hey, Liam" Rylie said hugging me while laying in the hospital bed.

"Liam i have the feeling you're worried about me deeply. Please don't be. I'll be alright. I love you." she said whispering.

"I love you too"

Zayn walked over and hugged Rylie.

"Hey best friend." Zayn said.

"Hi" Rylie said giggling.

"HEY. I THOUGHT I WAS HER BEST FRIEND!?" Louis shouted almost bursting my ear drums out.

"No. I'M HER BEST FRIEND." Harry protested.

"You're all my best friends." Rylie laughed. 

Louis walked over and hugged Rylie. "I hope you feel better, love" Louis said.

Harry hugged Rylie and went to sit back down in a chair.

"So what'd the doctor say?" I asked.

*Rylie's POV*

"So what'd the doctor say?" Liam asked.

"He said i was lucky because the bullet didn't go through me all the way. I think he said something about me getting surgery to take it out of my back." I said looking at the 10 eyes looking at me.

Niall's eyes became wide and he shot up from his seat. "SURGERY?!" He said in his thick Irish accent.

Niall looked at me and his chest was going up and down fast. 

"Babe, it's fine. Would you rather me have a bullet in my back for the rest of my life and have it get infected and i die, or have it removed from my body so i can move around." 

"Well that's a good point because if you couldn't move around then... we uh... couldn't.. uh. ehemm.. yeah. uh haha." Niall said blushing and scratching his neck.

I blushed and giggled. 

"If you're talking about you and Rylie having sex i swear to god, Niall. I'll beat the living shit out of you." Liam said.

My jaw dropped. Liam never cusses. Holy shit.

"No, no, no! It wasn't about sex. It was about Rylie, uh, um, oh. KISSING ME. yeah... that's what i meant."  Niall winked at me and and i blushed.

"Good!" Liam said smiling,

Dear lord that boy is so clueless. Plus i don't beilieve in having sex before marriage. Neither does Niall. He was just playing around. 

Just then Dr. Collins walked in with Lindsay. Harry smiled and waved. Lindsay walked over to me and whispered in my ear. " I think i might have a chance with Harry." 

"Go get em' tiger." I whispered back and laughed. 

"Hi" Lindsay said to Harry. "Wanna go out to the hallway and talk?" She smiled.

Harry blushed and nodded his head. "Sure, i'd love to." Lindsay and Harry walked out and i smiled to myself.

Dr. Collins kept eyeballing my wrists. 

No. NO NO NO NO. He sees my cuts. Oh shit. If he finds out their self harming cuts they'll send me to a nut house. Ya know one of those insane insanity places. I put my arms under my covers on the bed and acted like i didn't notice him looking at me. 

"May i speak to Niall and Liam out in the hall please?" Dr. Collins asked. 

"Yeah, sure." Liam said getting up with Niall and leaving the room with Ryan. A.K.A, Dr. Collins.

*Niall's POV*

I walked out in the hall with Liam and Dr. Collins. 

"Boys, i noticed that Rylie has multiple cuts on her arms and wrists. May i ask what'd their from? Because if their from any sort of self harming acting, We'll have to send her to a safe place. Like a mental hospital. Not that she's mental. But while she's there she'll get help." 

I was astonished by what just came out of Dr. Collins mouth. 

Does Rylie cut her self? How could my beautiful princess do that to her self? She has absolutely no reason to. She's perfect. I felt like crying right in front of Liam and Dr. Collins. 

Liam's eye's were becoming watering and he shook his head in disbelief. 

"Ehem. Uh. well we'll just have to ask her. " Liam said clearing his throat.

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